Software and Soul

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A startup helps autistic children learn life skills with a robot playmateJUST one year ago,Edith Liu knew little about robots and was planning to followher classmates and work at a Fortune 500 company after graduation.Today,the 25-year-old is the co-founder of a startup that has brought a French robot to China to help children with autism spectrum disorders(ASD).What a difference a year can make. A startup helps autistic children learn life skills with a robot playmateJUST one year ago, Edith Liu knew little about robots and was planning to follow classmates and work at a Fortune 500 company after graduation. Today, the 25-year-old is the co- founder of a startup that has brought a French robot to China to help children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) .What a difference a year can make.
Chinese eye doctors restore vision in Africa and AsiaFROM the first day Miao Jingpeng,a doctor of Beijing Tongren Hospital,arrived at the hospital in Zimbabwe w
The FOCAC Summit in Johannesburg has created a time of opportunityfor AfricaTH E last 30 years have witnessed a growing China-Africa engagement with positive ou
Chinese president’s visit results in$1-billion soft loan to kickstart Zimbabwe’seconomic recoveryITwasa longtime coming,but Chinese President Xi Jinping’s vi
Plans unveiled at FOCAC’s Johannesburg Summit set to meetAfrica’s development needsLI Lan,Director of International Business at the Shanghai Construction Grou