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经国家建委批准,国家建委建筑科学技术局责成国家建委建研院勘察技术研究所组织的建筑工程科学技术情报工作会议,干1978年6月8日至6月14日在浙江省杭州市举行。会议由建研院付院长何祥同志主持,建筑科学技术局局长阎子祥同志和浙江省建委付主任郭志松同志出席了大会开幕式,并讲了话。参加会议的有各省、市、自治区建工系统勘察单位和有关大专院校共62个单位的正式代表96人,其他系统的31个勘察单位也派人列席了会议。这次会议,是在以华主席为首的党中央提出新时期总任务而开始进行新长征的大好形势下召开的。与会代表通过学习全国科学大会文件,联系建筑工程勘察的实际情况,开展了热烈的讨论。在回顾已取得成就的同时,大家感到目前勘察科技情报力量薄弱,手段落后,组织不健全,必须大力加强,才能适应新时期总任务的需要。会议期间由湖北综合勘察院、武汉测绘学院、上海勘察院、建研院勘察技术研究所的同志向全体代表作了有关工程洲量、物探、水文凿井、工程地质四个专业国内外科技情报的综合 Approved by the National Construction Commission, the State Construction and Construction Commission’s Construction Science and Technology Bureau has instructed the National Construction Engineering Research Institute Survey Technology Institute to organize a scientific conference on construction engineering science and technology. It was held from June 8 to June 14, 1978 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. The meeting was hosted by Comrade He Xiang, President of the Academy of Construction and Technology, and Mr. Zang Zixiang, Director of the Building Science and Technology Bureau, and Comrade Guo Zhisong, Director of the Zhejiang Provincial Construction Committee, attended the opening ceremony of the conference and gave a speech. There were 96 official representatives from 62 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions, and 96 institutions of the relevant universities and colleges, and 31 survey units from other systems also sent representatives to the conference. This meeting was convened under the excellent situation in which the Party Central Committee headed by Chairman Hua proposed the general tasks for the new period and began the new long march. Delegates took part in the lively discussion by studying the documents of the National Science Conference and contacting the actual conditions of the construction survey. While reviewing the achievements made, everyone feels that the current survey of scientific and technological intelligence is weak, means are backward, and the organization is not perfect. It must be strengthened to adapt to the needs of the total tasks in the new period. During the conference, the comrades from Hubei Institute of Integrated Investigation, Wuhan Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Shanghai Exploration Institute, and Institute of Surveying Technology of the Institute of Engineering and Research made four scientific and technological intelligence reports on engineering capacity, geophysical prospecting, hydrological sinking, and engineering geology to all representatives. Synthesis
编者按:  作为九零后一代,我们对传统节日的认知已经很淡了,大多是被网络上各种节日营销刺激到,才会有一丢丢反应,比如,从小生长在北方,会有一种错觉,任何节日都是吃饺子庆祝,而南方的同志就会自觉的跟上一句:我们吃汤圆,这是九零后的认知,那零零后、一零后会怎么说?肯德基、麦当劳、必胜客?想起来就打寒颤。  “传统”这堂课,是时候补上了。  小暑  二零一七年七月七日,农历六月十四,小暑。  一侯温风至
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文化介入治理是一个润物细无声的过程,高举高打的强力进入,收效也许适得其反。用心观察、冷静分析、且行且思、顺势而为,这是闵行案例留给我们的思考。  唱唱跳跳有地方;  唱唱跳跳有平台;  唱唱跳跳有提升;  唱唱跳跳聚人心。  从呼应市民基本文化需求切入,政府职能部门拓展阵地、搭建平台、创设机制,到今天普通的市民文化团队文化素养获得提升,溢出参与社会治理,这是近5年来,上海市闵行区公共文化建设留下的