把群众健康放在首位,用发展总揽卫生全局——再访恩施州卫生局党组书记、局长 雷德全

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今日湖北:雷局长,您好!前年本刊对您进行了专访,您介绍了恩施州卫生工作发展情况,引起了社会的关注。经过了两年的发展,恩施州卫生工作的现状如何呢?雷德全:近两年来,恩施州卫生系统在州委州政府和上级主管部门的正确领导下,把群众健康放在首位,用发展总揽卫生全局,坚持新时期卫生工作方针,全面实施“121”卫生工程(坚持以改革为动力,狠抓等级医疗卫生单位和文明单位两个创建,以农村卫生为重点),一手抓改革,一手抓发展,各项卫生改革实践取得了令人瞩目的成绩。卫生服务综合实力极大提高。近几年来全州卫生机构共筹资近4亿元新修房屋面积达40万平米。添置医疗设备1000余件,比1997年底全州乡镇卫生院设备总值翻了一倍多。共有一级医院2个,二级医院15个,三级医院88个,3个乡镇卫生院获省级示范医院称号。公共卫生体系建设得到加强。近几年来全州无甲类传染病病例报告,其它法定传染病发病率控制在近5年平均水平;计划免疫接种率保持在90%以上;建立健全突发公共卫生事件应急机制,应对各种突发公共卫生事件能力进一步提高,在抗击“非典”中,取得非典防治“零疫情”的目标。 Today, Hubei: Secretary Lei, hello! Two years ago, we conducted an exclusive interview with you and you introduced the development of health work in Enshi Prefecture and aroused the public’s attention. After two years of development, what is the status quo of health work in Enshi? Lei Dequan: In the recent two years, Enshi health system, under the correct leadership of the state government and higher authorities, puts mass health first, We will take the overall health situation into consideration, adhere to the guidelines for health work in the new era, fully implement the “121” health project (adhere to the reform as a driving force, and pay close attention to the two levels of medical and health units and civilized units to create, with rural health as the key) Reform and development with one hand and achievements in various health reforms have made remarkable achievements. The comprehensive strength of health services has greatly increased. In recent years, Quanzhou health institutions have raised nearly 400 million yuan in newly renovated housing area of ​​400,000 square meters. Addition of more than 1,000 pieces of medical equipment, more than double the total value of equipment of Quanzhou township hospitals by the end of 1997. A total of two hospitals, 15 secondary hospitals, tertiary hospitals 88, three township hospitals by the provincial model hospital title. Public health system has been strengthened. In recent years, there has been no case report of state A-type infectious disease in the whole state, and the incidence rate of other legal infectious diseases has been controlled at the average of nearly 5 years. The planned immunization coverage rate has remained above 90%. A contingency mechanism for public health emergencies has been established and improved, The capacity of public health emergencies has been further improved and the goal of SARS prevention and control and zero outbreak situation has been achieved in the fight against SARS.
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