
来源 :北京农业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuguangxinli
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秦岭林区每个沟都聚积大量的废弃材,废弃材是发生火灾的隐患之一,废弃材不可避免出现,随着天然林保护工程纵深开展,林区公路的通畅率越来越低,加强废弃材的防火预案,把其造成森林火灾的可能性降低到最低水平。先分析废弃材形成的原因,造成火灾的特点,再给出恰当的灭火方法,最后给出多项行之有效的预防措施,把造成大的森林火灾的水平消灭在萌芽状态。多管齐下,做好森林防火工作。 In Qinling Mountains, each ditch accumulates a large amount of waste materials. Waste materials are one of the hidden dangers of fire. Waste materials are inevitable. As natural forest protection projects are carried out in depth, the patency rate of highways in forests is getting lower and lower, strengthening Waste fire prevention plan, to reduce the possibility of causing a forest fire to a minimum level. First analyze the reasons for the formation of waste, resulting in the characteristics of the fire, and then give the appropriate method of fire fighting, and finally given a number of effective preventive measures, the level of causing a large forest fire destroyed in the bud. Multi-pronged approach to forest fire prevention.
目的 比较应用光子嫩肤和超声波加美比欧疤痕平治疗面部烧伤后色素沉着的疗效,指导临床治疗.方法 将74例面部色素沉着病人随机分为2组,实验组采用光子嫩肤仪治疗,对照组应用
通过对洮南市永茂机械林场森林资源现状的调查分析,据此提出改善资源状况的6条措施。 Through the investigation and analysis of the present situation of forest resour
分析生态林业建设的现状和存在的问题,就如何以提高生态林业建设水平为抓手,促进生态林业建设的完善提出建议。 This paper analyzes the status quo and existing problems
根据横山县林业产业发展现状,实事求是地分析林业产业优势项目,客观而全面地描绘出未来横山县林业产业发展的必由之路,具有较强的前瞻性和可操作性。 According to the curr