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学习胡锦涛同志在全国党员教育工作会议上的重要报告以及中央组织部、中央宣传部负责同志在这次会议上的讲话,对于如何加强和改进党员教育工作的认识很有必要。从当前和今后一个时期党员教育工作的指导思想、党员教育工作的根本任务来看,加强和改进党员教育工作,关键是要组织广大党员学好邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义的理论,使广大党员掌握新的思想武器,树立新的意识观念,展示新的精神风貌,做出新的贡献创举,只有做到这一点,才能使党员教育工作从根本上得到加强和改进。为了实现这一目标,必须要有具体措施来保证。根据全国党员教育工作会议精神,面对党员教育工作的现实,应着力解决好从根本上加强和 Studying Comrade Hu Jintao’s important report on the work of party members ’education in the whole country as well as the speeches made by comrades in charge of the Central Organization Department and the Central Propaganda Department at this meeting are necessary for understanding how to strengthen and improve party members’ educational work. From the guiding ideology of party members’ education and the fundamental task of education for party members in current and future periods, the key is to organize the majority of party members to learn the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics by means of a large number of party members so that the majority of party members Only by doing so will we be able to fundamentally strengthen and improve party education by mastering new ideological weapons, establishing new concepts of consciousness, displaying new mental outlooks, and making new contributions. In order to achieve this goal, concrete measures must be taken to ensure that. According to the spirit of the National Conference on Education for Party Members and in the face of the reality of Party members’ educational work, efforts should be made to solve the problem of fundamentally strengthening
Lithophyllum okamurae is one of the important encrusting coralline algae,which plays important roles as primaryproducer,carbonate sediment builder,and habitat p
Tropical cyclone (TC) causes huge damage to lives and properties due to strong winds, storm surge, heavy rainfall and flooding (Peduzzi et al., 2012; Zhang et a