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香格里拉,即“世外桃源”之意。而真正的香格里拉位于四川西南边缘,甘孜藏族自治州稻城县南部。香格里拉的水资源及动物资源、矿产资源等人均量高于全国平均水平,人均水资源量3.8万m3。境内森林覆盖率86.4%,立体气侯明显,森林资源丰富,孕育了约5000种种子植物。这里奇异壮丽的自然景观和旖旎瑰丽的民族风情,是极其珍贵的旅游资源。2001年12月17日,国家民政部致函云南省政府:经国务院批准,同意中甸县更名为香格里拉县。这一消息,让四川旅游界目瞪口呆——四川痛失香格里拉!其实,在1995年,最早醒悟过来的云南迪庆州就响亮的打出了“香格里拉”牌,丽江纳西古乐发掘者宣科先生也从各方求证云南迪庆州就是“香格里拉”,一时间,这块昔日静谧的高原喧腾起来,到此地旅游被称做“香格里拉之旅”,昆明到中甸的飞机是“香格里拉航线”。不久,由于各种原因,宣科先生又提出“香格里拉”的原型是丽江。与此同时,毗临迪庆的四川稻城、乡城、德荣县也声称“香格里拉”非已莫属。甚至甘肃的甘南也打出了香格里拉旅游牌,称甘南藏族自治州也是香格里拉。为向世界证实香格里拉在四川,四川各界可谓煞费苦心,摄影家、地质学家、人类学家、探险家纷纷涌向稻城、乡城和德荣? Shangri-La, that is, “paradise” meaning. The real Shangri-La is located in the southwestern edge of Sichuan, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in southern Daocheng County. Shangri-La’s per capita water resources, animal resources and mineral resources are above the national average, with 38,000 m3 of water per capita. The territory of 86.4% forest coverage, clear three-dimensional climate, rich in forest resources, gave birth to about 5000 kinds of seed plants. Here amazing natural beauty and magnificent ethnic customs, is an extremely valuable tourist resources. December 17, 2001, the Ministry of Civil Affairs sent a letter to the Yunnan Provincial Government: Approved by the State Council, Zhongdian County was renamed Shangrila County. The news, so that the Sichuan tourism industry stunned - Sichuan loss of Shangri-La! In fact, in 1995, the earliest wake up in Yunnan Diqing state loudly hit the “Shangri-La” card, Lijiang Naxi ancient music excavator Mr. Xuan Ke also verify from all parties that Diqing Prefecture in Yunnan Province is “Shangri-La” for a time, This past quiet plateau uproar, travel here is called “Shangri-La trip”, Kunming, Zhongdian plane is “Shangri-La route.” Soon, due to various reasons, Mr. Xuan Ke also proposed that “Shangri-La” is the prototype of Lijiang. At the same time, adjacent to Diqing Sichuan Daocheng, Xiangcheng, Derong County also claimed that “Shangri-La” is none other than non-stop. Even Gansu Gannan also hit the Shangri-La travel card, said Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is Shangri-La. To prove to the world Shangri-La in Sichuan, Sichuan can be described as painstaking efforts, photographers, geologists, anthropologists, explorers have flocked to Daocheng, Xiangcheng and Deron?
Pt/FeSnO(OH)_5 was synthesized as a novel catalyst for VOCs oxidation. Compared with Pt/γ-Al_2O_3 during catalytic oxidation of benzene, Pt/Fe Sn O(OH)5 showed
本文是由一个美国图书馆工作人员写出的心声,文字风趣。笔者将其翻译过来,以飨读者。 This article is written by a staff member of the United States aspirations, the
<北游录>九卷谈迁 撰谈迁原名以训,字观若,明亡后改名迁,字孺木.浙江海宁枣林人.生于明万历二十一年(1593),卒于清顺治十四年(1657),年六十四岁.明诸生,因愤明史著述多有失实