立足课堂 转变差生

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基础教育的两大任务,一是普及九年义务教育,一是要由“应试教育”转向全面提高国民素质的素质教育,九年义务教育全日制初级中学数学教学大纲,正是适应了这一需要。 1.转空观念,面向全体 过去在教学过程中,偏重少数拔尖学生,忽视全体学生素质的全面提高,造成部分成绩较差的学生厌学,甚至辍学,影响了普及程度,实施义务教育两年来,根据上级教研部门的要求。转变观念,面向全体。在课堂教学中,认真执行新大纲的精神,严格按照新教材的内容和要求组织课堂教学,并且有计划、有目的的注意成绩较差同学的学习情况,力求把问题解决在课堂内,收到一定的成效。 The two major tasks of basic education are to popularize nine-year compulsory education. First, it is necessary to shift from “examination-oriented education” to quality education to improve the overall quality of the people. The nine-year compulsory education full-time junior middle school mathematics teaching program is adapted to this. need. 1. Turning to empty ideas, facing all the past in the teaching process, focusing on a few top-notch students, ignoring the overall improvement of the overall quality of students, resulting in some students with poor performance out of school, even dropping out of school, affecting the degree of popularization, the implementation of compulsory education for two years , According to the requirements of higher education and research departments. Change concepts and face the whole. In the classroom teaching, the spirit of the new syllabus was carefully implemented. Classroom teaching was strictly organized in accordance with the content and requirements of the new teaching materials, and there was a planned and purposeful attention to the learning situation of the poorer classmates. The problems were solved in the classroom and received. Certain results.
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