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安徽银监局芜湖银监分局被评选为银监会系统先进集体绝非偶然。在此之前,芜湖分局曾连续七年被评为安徽银监局系统先进分局,并先后荣获银监会文明单位、全国文明单位、全国金融系统五一劳动奖状等荣誉称号。而有目共睹的是,芜湖银监分局自2004年成立以来,分局党委带领全体干部职工坚持改革创新、切实履 It is by no means accidental that Anhui Banking Bureau Wuhu Banking Regulatory Bureau was chosen as the advanced collective of China Banking Regulatory Commission. Prior to this, Wuhu Branch was named the Advanced Branch of the Banking Bureau of Anhui Province for seven consecutive years. It has won the honorary titles such as Civilized Unit of China Banking Regulatory Commission, Civilized Unit of the People’s Republic of China and May 1 Labor Medal of the National Financial System. It is obvious to all that since the establishment of the Wuhu Banking Bureau in 2004, the party committee of the branch office has led all cadres and workers to adhere to the reform and innovation and practically
20世纪90年代末,合成孔径雷达干涉测量(InSAR,Interferometric Synthetic ApertureRadar)作为一种新型空间对地观测技术逐渐发展起来,它利用SAR的相位信息获取高精度的地形信息以