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【目的】以面向语用消歧的量化约束条件系统(Quantifier Constraint System,QCS)为例,构建并实践从本体语言学到其计算实现的完整研究方法。【方法】首先,阐释QCS的原理,并介绍具体研究方法。第二,提出甄别有效约束条件和组建系统的标准,以及优化赋值的算法。第三,详细描写与量化相关的词类和语法规律。第四,使用类别描写语言(Type Description Language)对这些语言规律进行形式化描写,并基于“汉构”和Zhong[|]计算语法进行计算实现。【结果】运用该研究方法,可计算实现较为复杂的语言学现象(如量化、约束和前指解决方案等)。【结论】本文方法不仅有助于语言学的整体发展,还可为相关学科(如人工智能、深层语言处理等)提供语言学方面的技术支持。 【Objective】 Taking the Quantifier Constraint System (QCS) as a model for pragmatic disambiguation, a complete research method from ontology linguistics to computational realization is constructed and implemented. 【Method】 First, explain the principle of QCS, and introduce the specific research methods. Second, we propose criteria for identifying valid constraints and establishing systems, and algorithms for optimizing assignments. Third, a detailed description of quantification and related parts of speech and grammatical laws. Fourthly, we use the Type Description Language to formally describe the rules of these languages ​​and calculate them based on the grammar of “Han ” and Zhong []. 【Result】 Using this method, more complicated linguistic phenomena can be calculated (such as quantification, constraint and solution of front-end). 【Conclusion】 This method not only contributes to the overall development of linguistics, but also provides linguistic support for related disciplines (such as artificial intelligence and deep language processing).
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