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“26岁腐败现象”的提出,依据是北京、天津等城市检察院的一个统计:近年来查处的贪污和挪用公款案件中,30岁以下、平均年龄为26岁的作案者占了其中的20%左右。于是“有关部门呼吁:要把30岁以下的国家工作人员列为职务犯罪预防工作的重点对象。”类似的呼吁,前几年也听到过,不过那时岁数不同,分别为“59岁现象”和“39岁现象”。当时的分析也很透彻,比如59岁时腐败,乃因当事人想在退休前大捞一把,一是“平衡”这些年来的辛苦。二是往后再也没机会了;而“39岁现象”呢,则是当事人正处于仕途门坎边上,急于打点上下再“上台阶”。如今的“26岁现象”尚无其他过硬理由可以解释,只是据说这些“腐败新生代”在捞钱的胆量、手段上,比他们的前辈“青出于 The “26-year-old corruption phenomenon” was put forward on the basis of a statistical report by Beijing, Tianjin and other urban procuratorates. Among the cases of embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds investigated and punished in recent years, more than 20% of the cases of persons under the age of 30 and the average age of 26 are committing crimes. about. Therefore, “the relevant departments are calling for the state staff below the age of 30 to be listed as the key target of crime prevention in their positions.” A similar appeal was also heard in previous years, but at that time, the “59-year-old phenomenon ”And“ 39-year-old phenomenon. ” The analysis was very thorough at the time. For instance, corruption at the age of 59 was because the parties wanted to make a big profit before retirement. The first was to “balance” the hardships over the years. Second, there will be no chance in the future. However, when the “39-year-old phenomenon” is happening, the parties are at the threshold of official career. There is no other good reason for the present “26-year-old phenomenon” to explain, except that these “corrupt new-generation” are said to have “gorillas and means of withdrawing money” more than their predecessors
1 资料与方法 资料: 1997~ 1999年门诊收治泪小管裂伤病人 16例 16眼,男 13例 13眼,女 3例 3眼;年龄 8~ 50岁;仅下泪小管断裂伤 13眼,内眦伤合并上下泪小管均断裂 3例;断裂处与下泪小
在他主持的项目中,获农业部“丰收奖”三项,被当地誉为善于为当地造就大丰收的基层专家。 Among the projects he presided over, he won three bumper harvest awards from