
来源 :中国电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaotong125555
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长期以来,农电管理的难点在于乡镇供电所管理。由于管理主体和隶属关系的复杂,乡镇供电所自身的职能定位比较混乱,乡镇供电所的各种管理负担在一定程度上归结于自身的定位不准,职能难发挥。基于体制、机制和农村用电市场的复杂,乡镇供电所职能定位难统一,引发诸多社会问题。2013年,农电管理体制的逐步理顺、城乡一体化发展的推进和农村电力需求的多样化要求,为乡镇供电所进一步转变职能,迅速调整定位提供了有利条件和迫切要求。乡镇供电所作为供电企业的派出机构,承担的责任和所从事的工作相当巨大、复杂又非常重要,既要负责辖区内的抄表、收费,又要维护设备.管理线损,开展优质服务,是公司面向社会、履行义务、服务客户、保证效益、维护形象的最基层窗口单位。供电所的运行情况直接影响着电力企业的发展,影响着电力企业战略发展目标的实现。 For a long time, the difficulty of rural power management lies in the management of rural power supply. Due to the complexity of management subject and affiliation, the function of township power supply units is rather chaotic. The various management burdens of township power supply stations are partly due to the discrepancies in their positioning and the difficulty of functions. Based on the complexity of the system, mechanism and rural electricity market, the functional orientation of township power supply centers is difficult to unify, which has triggered many social problems. In 2013, the gradual straightening out of the management system of rural power, the promotion of urban-rural integration and the diversified requirements of rural power supply have provided favorable conditions and urgent requirements for township power supply centers to further change their functions and rapidly adjust their positioning. Township power supply agencies as the power supply agencies, the responsibility and work undertaken by the huge, complex and very important, it is necessary to charge the area meter reading, charging, but also to maintain the equipment. Line management, quality service, Is the company facing the community, to fulfill their obligations, customer service, to ensure efficiency, maintain the image of the most basic window unit. The operation of the power supply station directly affects the development of power enterprises and affects the realization of the strategic development goals of power enterprises.
以下为选择题,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择正确的一个。742、扑救烟灰缸里的杂物、废纸篓里的废纸片等初起小火时,错误的做法是( )。A、用手拍灭B、用水浇C、灭火器扑D、用湿
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