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以培育“四有”公民为根本目标,以爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义和新时期创业精神教育为主要内容,以加强青少年的思想道德教育和企业、农村思想政治工作为重点,努力提高广大干部群众的思想道德素质。要坚持重在建设,以立为本,狠狠地抓,一天不放松地抓,从具体事件抓起。进一步落实《爱国主义教育实施纲要》。召开爱国主义教育经验交流会。制定唱国歌、升挂国旗以及成人宣誓仪式的具体规定。继续组织好少年儿童看优秀影片、读优秀图书、唱优秀歌曲活动。确定一批爱国主义教育示范基地。围绕中国共产党成立75周年、红军长征胜利60周年等重要纪念日和迎接1997年对香港恢复行使主权,开展多种形式的爱党爱国主题教育。 In order to cultivate citizens with “four rights” as its fundamental goal and with patriotism, collectivism, socialism and the entrepreneurship education in the new era as the main content, efforts should be made to strengthen ideological and moral education among youth and enterprises and rural ideological and political work Improve the Quality of Cadres and Masses in Their Ideological and Moral Standards. It is necessary to insist on focusing on construction, taking this as the foundation, catching the ground hard, grasping one day without any relaxation, and starting from specific incidents. Further implement the “Outline for the Implementation of Patriotism Education.” Hold a patriotic education experience exchange meeting. Formulate specific regulations on singing national anthem, national flag hoisting and adult swearing-in ceremony. Continue to organize young children to watch outstanding films, read excellent books and sing excellent songs. Determine a number of patriotic education demonstration base. On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party and the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army in the long march, we have resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong in 1997 and conducted various forms of patriotic education on the issues of loving the party.
为人父母者,关爱孩子既是天性,又是天职。因为是天性,所以无私、高尚;因为是天职,所以事关重大,需要讲求科学和艺术。 Parenting, caring for children is both natural and
如何培养高中学生良好的解题习惯使他们轻松战胜高考?如何让学生避免陷入“题海战术”?笔者认为要在解题教学过程中立足教材,从条件出发,按“步”就班地分析,并显性或隐性地渗透数学思想方法,师生共同探究其本质及通性通法,从而逐渐实现学生解题思维的自然化,培养学生形成良好的数学学习观.  年年岁岁“卷”相似,岁岁年年“题”不同. 2012年高考虽已结束,但是留给广大数学工作者的思考与体会远未落幕. 本文中,
IT外包(包括web托管与应用托管)、电子商务与 ASP的蓬勃发展,使得Internet数据中心(IDC)成为业界一个新的发展亮点,运营公司、ISP正在把 IDC当作扩展业务与增加收入的新途径
GE加强建设团队力量,以支持中国业务的不断增长。GE宣布,任命刘波先生将担任GEPower Conversion(GE电能转换业务部)中国区总裁。在此之前,刘先生曾担任GE油气集团中国区总裁