Deformation of metallic glasses with special emphasis in supercooled liquid region

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:goodlyn
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Upon deforming a metallic glass at low temperatures, shear tends to localize and this leads to a brittle behavior. However, in the high temperature, and particularly in the supercooled liquid region, homogeneous deformation begins to take place. A bulk amorphous Zr 10Al 5Ti 17.9Cu 14.6Ni alloy was observed to exhibit the Newtonian behavior at low strain rates but becomes non Newtonian at high strain rates in the supercooled liquid region. Structures of the amorphous material, both before and after deformation, were examined using X ray diffraction and high resolution electron microscopy. Results showed the presence of nanocrystallites in the deformed samples. Thus, the non Newtonian behavior is attributable to the concurrent crystallization of the amorphous structure during deformation. A mechanistic model is presented to interpret the observed non Newtonian result. A phenomenological approach is also used to develop the deformation map for bulk metallic glasses in the supercooled liquid region. Upon deforming a metallic glass at low temperatures, shear tends to localize and this leads to a brittle behavior. However, in the high temperature, and particularly in the supercooled liquid region, homogeneous deformation begins to take place. A bulk amorphous Zr 10Al 5Ti 17.9 Cu 14.6Ni alloy was observed to exhibit the Newtonian behavior at low strain rates but also non Newtonian at high strain rates in the supercooled liquid region. Structures of the amorphous material, both before and after deformation, were examined using X ray diffraction and high resolution Thus, the non Newtonian behavior is attributable to the concurrent crystallization of the amorphous structure during deformation. A mechanistic model is presented to interpret the observed non Newtonian result. A phenomenological approach is also used to develop the deformation map for bulk metallic glasses in the superco oled liquid region.
患者女,46岁,突发左下腹持续性绞痛伴恶心20h,于1993年5月25日入院.体检:T 38.2℃,左下腹压痛、反跳痛、肌紧张明显.B超示脐左侧6.5cm×5.1cm无回声区,内有强回声光团,肠间隙液性暗区.急诊剖腹探查,见腹腔内有大量淡黄色脓液,上腹部可见10cm×6.6cm暗紫色肿物,质硬,表面不平,布满脓苔,与空肠固定,部分破溃.切除肿瘤及30cm小肠.病理诊断:肠系膜神经纤维瘤
Part of the results of the key project “Search for novel rare-earth functional materials” supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China is re
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