抓住新机遇 谱写新篇章——十四市市长展望二○○七年

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一元复始,万象更新。2006年,我区各市全面贯彻落实科学发展观,不断完善发展思路,不断转变发展观念,不断创新发展模式,不断提高发展质量,不断落实发展措施,保持了近年来经济社会发展的良好势头,实现了“十一五”时期的良好开局。自治区第九次党代会提出了“建设富裕文明和谐新广西”的目标任务,2007年成为建设富裕文明和谐新广西的关键之年。面临国家继续加大对西部地区扶持力度以及多区域合作的新兴机遇,并且有着良好的工作基础和发展氛围,加快发展,各市信心百倍。不论是过去的一年,还是新的一年,萦绕在各市市长心头的,始终是地方的发展大计,是民生大计。落实好科学发展观,实现又好又快发展;优化产业结构,加快工业化城镇化;发展县域经济,推进新农村建设;加快沿海开放开发,推进泛北部湾经济合作;扶贫济弱,促进社会和谐——在各市新一年的新举措中,我们看到的是市长们紧抓机遇的迫切,读到的是他们改善民生的情怀。辞旧迎新际,继往开来时。抓住新机遇,再写新篇章。共谋发展,同建和谐。这是我们与市长们一致的信念。我们相信,各市在新的一年里必将再创新业绩;我们也相信,有各市的支持,《当代广西》一定会越办越好! A dollar back, Vientiane update. In 2006, all districts and cities in our region fully implemented the scientific concept of development, constantly improved their thinking on development, constantly changed their concept of development, continuously innovated their development mode, continuously improved the quality of development, and continuously implemented the development measures so as to maintain the good momentum of economic and social development in recent years and achieve The “Eleventh Five-Year” period of a good start. The Ninth Party Congress proposed the goal of “building a prosperous, civilized and harmonious Guangxi”. In 2007, it became the key year for building a prosperous, civilized and harmonious Guangxi. Confronting with the state's continued support for the western region and the emerging opportunities for multi-regional cooperation, and having a good working foundation and atmosphere for development and speeding up development, the cities are confident. Whether in the past year or in the new year, the plan of development that always lingering in the hearts of the mayors of various cities is always the livelihood of the people. Implementing the scientific concept of development and achieving sound and rapid development; optimizing the industrial structure and accelerating industrialization of urbanization; developing the county economy and promoting the building of a new countryside; accelerating the opening up and development of the coastal areas and promoting economic cooperation in the Pan-Beibu Gulf; helping the poor and the weak and promoting social harmony In the new move of the new year in each city, what we saw was the urgency of the mayors grasping the opportunity and reading about their feelings of improving their livelihood. New Year greetings old, when the future. Seize new opportunities and write new chapters. Seek common development, build harmony with. This is the faith we share with the mayors. We believe cities will re-create new achievements in the new year. We also believe that with the support of various cities, “contemporary Guangxi” will surely get better and better!
美国通用精密量具公司(General precision Lib-tascope)宣布开始研制一个属于世界上最快的晶体管计算机之一的行算机系统 L-3060(见框图)。该系统准备用于实时控制对象工作
2007年恰逢香港回归祖国10周年。10年来,在中央政府的大力支持下,香港克服了亚洲金融危机等重重困难,经济步入持续较快发展的良性轨道,社会各项事业取得了长足的进步,“一国两制”方针和《基本法》显示出强大的生命力。  回归10年,无论是香港,还是与之毗邻的广东省乃至整个华南地区,无论是经济发展还是社会进步,都发生了“巨大的变化”。粤港合作概念和规模不断扩大,层次不断提升。  刚刚过去的2006年,
中国共产党对待宗教的观点,是将马克思主义关于宗教问题的基本观点与中国宗教工作的具体实践相结合而形成的。主要有: ——宗教有其发生、发展和消亡的过程,在社会主义社会中将
一、数字式声频光学圆盘唱机 1981年4~5月间,荷兰的菲利浦公司和日本索尼公司一起在欧美展出了他们的数字式声频光学圆盘唱机,(下面简称光学圆盘系统)。据称,实现它们所宣布
Harris公司半导体部通过缩小单元尺寸、并把4μm的工艺改为2.5μm的工艺,把它的4k×1位CMOS RAM(HM6504)的取数时间从200ns缩短到100ns。而且,其改进型(HM6504B)能够在整个