第六届全国民运会拉萨分赛场竞赛部举办的陀螺项目裁判员培训班,十月二十一日在拉萨圆满结束。 陀螺是拉萨分赛场的比赛项目。为期三天的培训得到了云南省体委的大力支持,曾参加编写第五届全国民运会陀螺比赛规程的云南省体委干部卢建华、云南陀螺队教练字如祥应邀来藏,向拉萨分赛场竞赛部有关工作人员作了比较详尽的陀螺比赛规则的讲解和表演示范,使参加培训的学员较好地掌握了陀螺比赛程序和裁判规则,为办好拉萨分赛场陀螺项目的赛事奠定了基础。
The gyro project referee training course organized by the Competition Division of the Lhasa Sub-venue of the 6th National People’s Games came to a successful conclusion in Lhasa on October 21. Gyro is Lhasa points game events. The three-day training received strong support from the Sports Commission of Yunnan Province. Lv Jianhua, a cadre of Yunnan Provincial Sports Commission, who participated in the preparation of the Gynecological Contest for the Fifth National Games, was invited to Tibet as a coaching word by Yunnan Gyros, Relevant staff made a detailed explanation and demonstration of the gyro competition rules so that the trainees who participated in the training better mastered gyro competition procedures and rules and laid the foundation for running the gyro project in Lhasa.