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我們財政經濟工作中還存在許多嚴重的浪費現象,主要的浪費有三種:第一、在財經工作中,由於管理不善,運用不當而產生的現金、物資與人力的浪費;第二、工業生産中的浪費;第三、某些公務人員和經濟工作人員,不愛惜國家財產,貪污腐化或鋪張浪費。第一種浪費,在接管全國各大城市的初期,最爲嚴重。今年三月,中央人民政府實行財政經濟工作統一管理與統一領導之後,由於實行管理現金、清理倉庫與整編機關人員等項辦法的結果,這一方面的浪費,已經有了很大的減少,以後還將繼續減少。第三種浪費在人民政府下完全處於非法的和不名譽的地位,比較容易被廣大羣衆所發覺和反對,因此也比較容易克服。第二種浪费,即工業生産中的浪費,危害很大,却還沒有被多數人所重視。 There are still many serious waste phenomena in our financial and economic work. There are three main types of waste: first, the waste of cash, materials and manpower caused by mismanagement and misuse in financial and economic work; secondly, in industrial production Thirdly, some civil servants and economic workers do not care for the property of the State, and corruption or extravagance and waste. The first kind of waste was the most serious in the early days of taking over the major cities in the country. After the Central People’s Government implemented the unified management and unified leadership over financial and economic work in March this year, as a result of measures such as administering cash and cleaning warehouses and reorganizing agencies, the waste in this area has been greatly reduced. Afterwards, Will continue to decrease. The third type of waste, completely under the people’s government, is illegitimately and unworthy of the people. It is relatively easy for the masses to find out and oppose it and is therefore more easily overcome. The second type of waste, the waste in industrial production, is very harmful and not yet taken seriously by the majority.
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患者 35岁.2004年10月10日在外院经剖宫产分娩一女婴,产后1周出现39.8℃高热、切口感染,因产后高热伴轻度昏迷,于2004年10月17日入院.身体检查:患者轻度昏迷,体温39.9℃,心率115次,呼吸25次。
森林之鹰苗条如少女一样的青松, 挺立在祁连峻峭的雪峰, 风送来伐木者斧锯的铿锵, 还夹带少妇催眠的歌声。伐木工家中勤劳的母亲, 用乳汁哺育着森林雏鹰; 美丽、神奇的祁连