,Analysis of p53 expression in partial hydatidiform mole and hydropic abortion

来源 :生物学前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yu8886882
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BACKGROUND:Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) is a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by abnormal trophoblast tissue.Molar and non-molar hydropic placental changes are the most common forms of GTD.Differential diagnosis of GTD is sometimes problematic.Recently,p53 expression was identified as a good marker for distinguishing GTD types.AIMS:Comparison of p53 expression in partial hydatidiform mole (PHM) and hydropic abortion.METHODS:In this prospective cross-sectional study,molar and non-molar hydropic pregnancy specimens were collected.Immunohistochemical staining,based on the Labeled Streptavidin Biotin (LSAB) technique,was carried out on multiple 4 μm paraffin block sections prepared from formalin-fixed trophoblastic tissues.Polymer-based Envision was used to assess p53 tumor suppressor protein immunoreactivity.p53 expression was then compared between both groups.RESULTS:In the study,40 patients were included:20 with confirmed PHM and 20 with hydropic pregnancy.p53 protein was positive in 60% of patients with PHM and 25% of patients with hydropic pregnancy.The p53 positive rate was significantly higher in patients with PHM (p =0.027).Moreover,patients with PHM had a significantly high grade of staining (p < 0.001).CONCLUSION:Our findings indicate that immunohistochemical analysis of p53 protein can be used to distinguish PHM and hydropic pregnancy.
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