2001 Comdex技术拾粹

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业界瞩目的Comdex秋季展览会已在美国Las Vegas落幕。这似乎是一届发生在非常时期的Comdex……使得它吸引的参展商和观众数量都较往年非但未有增加反而大大减少(25%多),并且在整个赌城的各个角落难免弥漫着丝丝悲观气氛。但异常活跃的全球IT精英们仍然让本届Comdex处处闪现新生事物的光芒。各个展台上有声有色的新技术、新产品和新方案,让热爱未来的人们对经济形势的复苏充满信心。 虽未亲临现场感受眼花缭乱,但来自美国IDG的大量消息同样让人目不暇接;太多的技术新秀让人难以很系统地加以总结后呈现给广大读者,惟有将我认为精彩的个别片段“拾”来与您共享。羽翼渐丰的各类移动计算设备、802.11(a/b/g)新老技术之间的争论、2.5G和3G新产品及方案的亮相,使本届Comdex的基调反映了无线网络通讯技术正在加紧迎接“网络无限”的未来。 The Comdex Autumn Fair, which has attracted industry attention, has ended in Las Vegas, USA. This seems to be a Comdex that happened in an extraordinary period... It made the number of exhibitors and visitors it attracted more than that of previous years but it has been reduced (more than 25%), and it is difficult to avoid permeated Silk pessimistic atmosphere. However, the extremely active global IT elite still let this Comdex everywhere shine with new things. Various new technologies, new products and new programs are on display at booths, so that people who love the future are full of confidence in the economic recovery. Although not dazzling at the scene, a lot of news from IDG in the United States is equally dazzling; too many technology rookies can hardly be systematically summarized and presented to a wide range of readers. Only the individual pieces that I think are wonderful are picked up. Share with you. The unveiling of various mobile computing devices, new and old 802.11 (a/b/g) technologies, and the appearance of 2.5G and 3G new products and solutions have made this Comdex’s tone a reflection of wireless network communication technology. Step up to meet the future of the “net unlimited”.
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