
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chrislo
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Aim :Recently,we reported typical endoscopic findings and an increment in γδ+ Tcells in the foregut among children with food-sensitive enteropathy other than coeliac disease.To find outthe extend to which the upregulation of the local immune response might explain gastrointestinal (GI)complaints of the foregut,we sought to exam ine by the increm ent in γδ+ T cells a 1-y consecutive series of children referred for recurrent G I com plaints to a ter- tiary-levelhospital.M ethods:A 1-y cohort of 102chil- dren scheduled for gastroduodenoscopy were exam ined for m ucosalhistology and the densities ofCD3+,αβ+ and γδ+ T-cell subsets from m id-duodenal specim ens.The final diagnostic categories were used in analysing the data. Results:Fifteen subjects showed villous atrophy and a high γδ+ T-cell density;the finding being com patible with coeliac disease (CD ).Atthe otherextrem e,20subjects in whom diagnostic G I diseases were ruled out showed low densities and served as controls.The subjects reporting GI symptom s after an open food challenge with m ilk and /or cereals (n = 18)as well as children rem ittingwith am ilk-or cereal-elim inating diet but not responding to a challenge (n = 23)also expressed significantly higher densities ofγδ+ T cells than the controls.In all,45of102 children could be considered to have an elevated γδ+ T-cell density as an indication of locally activated im m une re- sponse. Lack of villous architecture and lym phonodular hyperplasia of the duodenal bulb as an endoscopie finding and atopic derm atitis but not the presence of D Q2alleles showed a close association with these increased densities. Conclusion:Considering thatan elevated incidence ofj6+ T cells is an indication of m ucosal response against lum inal antigens,up to halfthe children with prolonged G I sym p- tom s have im m une m ediated disorder;CD and food allergy being the m ostobvious clinicalentities. Aim: Recently, we reported typical endoscopic findings and an increment in γδ + T cells in the foregut among children with food-sensitive enteropathy other than coeliac disease. To find out the extend to which the upregulation of the local immune response might explain gastrointestinal (GI) complaints of the foregut, we sought to exam ine by the increm ent in γδ + T cells a 1-y consecutive series of children referred for recurrent GI com plaints to a tiary-level hospital. M ethods: A 1-y cohort of 102chil- dren scheduled for gastroduodenoscopy were examined for m ucosal histology and the densities of CD3 +, αβ + and γδ + T-cell subsets from m id-duodenal specim ens. The final diagnostic categories were used in analysing the data. Results: Fifteen subjects showed villous atrophy and a high γδ + T-cell density; the finding being com patible with coeliac disease (CD). 阿tthe otherextrem e, 20subjects whom whom diagnostic GI diseases were ruled out showed low densities and served as controls. subjects reporting GI symptom s after an open food challenge with m ilk and / or cereals (n = 18) as well as children rem itting with am ilk-or cereal-elim inating diet but not responding to a challenge (n = 23) also expressed significantly higher densities of γδ + T cells than the controls. All, 45 of 102 children could be considered to have an elevated γδ + T-cell density as an indication of locally activated imumune sponse. Lack of villous architecture and lym phonodular hyperplasia of the duodenal bulb as an endoscopie finding and atopic derm atitis but not the presence of D Q2alleles showed a close association with these increased densities. Conclusion: Considering that an elevated incidence of j6 + T cells is an indication of m ucosal response against lum inal antigens, up to half of children with prolonged GI sym p-tom s have im m une m ediated disorder; CD and food allergy being the m ostobvious clinicalentities.
摘 要: 竞技体育可持续发展必须坚持其持续性与阶段性,可持续发展的路径选择不能以短期效益为追求目标,而应该把发展目标定位于长远考量。我国竞技体育可持续发展的路径选择是各个发展要素的整体可持续性,不是各要素产生效益的简单累积,而是各要素协调发展所产生的叠加效应。  关键词: 竞技体育 可持续发展 路径选择  竞技体育可持续发展不是以时间序列内所达到的成绩或获得的奖牌数作为衡量其发展路径是否为可持续发