
来源 :汽车与配件 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinling88
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传统的擦车要经过水洗、擦干、上蜡、擦光四道程序,且一定要在有水源的地方才可进行。 上海英泰工程技术发展公司根据欧美流行的擦车蜡纸,以科学配方开发出了具中国特色的英泰车巾。 这种车蜡巾看似一张白纸,带淡雅香味,爽滑而柔韧。它无需水源,轻轻一擦,去污上光,一次完成。所擦表面还具有良好的抗水性,沾水不留痕迹。此外,它还具有防锈,防止漆膜老化和抗静电的功能,用它擦过的车辆不易再沾灰尘。 Traditional car cleaning to go through washing, wiping, waxing, polishing four procedures, and must be carried out where there is water. Intentia Shanghai Engineering and Technology Development Corporation based on the popular European and American car waxes, with scientific formula developed a British-style car with Chinese characteristics. This car wax towel looks like a piece of white paper, with elegant fragrance, smooth and pliable. It does not require water, gently rub, decontamination glaze, once completed. Rubbed the surface also has good resistance to water, leaving no trace of water stains. In addition, it also has rust-proof, anti-aging film and anti-static function, it is not easy to rub the vehicle with dust.
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