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天津市建筑构件公司第一构件厂的广大革命职工,遵照伟大领袖毛主席“备战、备荒、为人民”的教导,发扬“自力更生、艰苦奋斗”的革命精神,经过反复试验,终于在短时间内试制成功了射流自动控制75千伏点焊机。采用射流控制的点焊机,其主要优点是:原75千伏点焊机系电子管时间控制环节,完成四个工位动作。在使用过程中,每周都发生几次故障,时间继电器触点经常烧毁,影响生产。现在采用射流控制,工作稳定可靠,可长时间连续工作,实现了自动化,大大地提高了生产率。从造价来看,用电子控制的时间环节,其零件多、线路复杂,易出故障,造价高。用射流控制比用电子器件控制造价低50%。控制线路及工作原理采用三个双稳元件和两个“或非”元件组成控制系统,使点 The revolutionary workers and staff members of the first component factory of Tianjin Building Components Company follow the teachings of Chairman Mao, the great leader, preparing for the shortage and serving the people, carry forward the revolutionary spirit of “self-reliance and arduous struggle” and, after repeated tests, finally make it within a short period of time Successful trial of jet automatic control 75 kV spot welder. The use of jet control of spot welding, the main advantages are: the original 75-kilovolt spot welding tube time control section, to complete the four station movements. During use, several faults occur each week, the time relay contact is often burned, affecting production. Now using jet control, stable and reliable work, long hours of continuous work, to achieve automation, greatly improving productivity. From the cost point of view, the electronic control of the time, many of its parts, the line complex, easy to fail, high cost. Jet control is 50% lower than using electronic controls. Control circuit and working principle The use of three bistable components and two “or non” components control system, the point
《财会月刊》2000年第20期刊登了刘亚莉同志的《略谈现金流量表指南中有关增值税调整分录的改进》一文。该文对《 企业会计准则———现金流量表 指南》(以下简称《指南》)中有关增
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