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安奈特公司在2003这个羊年有不少的“三”:以“三通”为代表的市场策略;对用户和合作伙伴的三级培训体系(在技术支持方面也是三级体系);此外当然还有它的“国际化”、“本土化”、“专业化”这三条理念。所谓三通,是指安奈特今年市场活动分三个阶段。一是“点点通——城际快车”,这个阶段的活动主题是:展示安奈特市场定位,宣传高性价比应用服务形象,并且开始各处渠道的招募和培训工作;二是“线线通——省际特快”,主要是搞巡展活动,目标是进一步突破区域性市场;三是“四通八达——国际专列”,主要是树立整体形象,宣传样板工程。这三个阶段计划各占4个月时间,但安奈特市场经理王瑞认为可能会提前完成。销售产品和技术支持都离不开渠道。渠道在选择厂商时,最看重的是什么呢?安奈特的回答是:技术培训、讲座和售前培训。为此,安奈特拿出了自己的渠道拓展解决方案,以多种方式支持渠道的发展。在其中最重要的培训体系方面,安奈特建立对用户和渠道的三级 Annette has a lot of “three” in this year of the year 2003: the marketing strategy represented by “three direct links”; the three-level training system for users and partners (also a three-tiered system for technical support); and of course There are three concepts of “internationalization”, “localization” and “specialization.” The so-called three links, refers to the Anitaite market activities this year, divided into three stages. First, “Little things - intercity Express”, the theme of this phase activities are: display Anita market positioning, promotion of cost-effective application services image, and began to recruit and training channels around; Second, “Line Link - - Provincial express, ”is mainly engaged in tour activities, the goal is to further break through the regional market; third is“ lead in all directions - International Special Trains ”, mainly to establish the overall image and promote a model project. Each of these three phases plans for 4 months, but Wang Rui, Annett’s marketing manager, thinks it may be completed ahead of schedule. Sales of products and technical support are inseparable from the channel. Channel What is the most important when choosing vendors? Annette’s answer is: technical training, seminars and pre-sales training. To this end, Annette out of their own channels to develop solutions to support the development of channels in many ways. On the most important of these training systems, Annette has built three levels of users and channels
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