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(一)任何社会舆论,都是一定阶级、政党、集团、阶层利益和意志的反映。作为执政党,要向自己国家的人民宣传自己的纲领、主张、方针、政策,是天经地义的事。任何一个社会制度,任何一个国家,古往今来,中国外国,概莫能外。封建制度下如此,资本主义制度下如此,社会主义制度下自然也是如此。“普天之下,莫非王土,率土之滨,莫非王臣”,封建君主是凭借他的舆论和意志的控制,使普天之下,四海之内都俯首称臣于他的。西汉时期封建统治阶级提出“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”的政治纲领,是把儒家思想作为管理国家、统治人民唯一的指导思想奉行的。 (1) Any social consensus is a reflection of a certain class, party, group, class interest and will. As a ruling party, it is only natural that we should publicize our own programs, ideas, policies and policies to the people in our own country. Any one social system, any one country, from ancient to modern times, China’s foreign countries, no exception. Under the feudal system, this is the case under the capitalist system, and naturally under the socialist system as well. “Under all the world, is not the king of the earth, the coast of the soil, is not Wang Chen”, the feudal monarch is by virtue of his public opinion and will control, so that under all the world, within the universal are subordinate to him. The political program proposed by the feudal ruling class during the Western Han Dynasty to “strike out 100 monopolies and respect Confucianism exclusively” pursues Confucianism as the only guiding principle for administering the country and governing the people.
中央电视台第七套节目的《农民之友》,是在原中央电视台第二套《农业教育与科技》栏目的基础上于2001年9月3日改版的栏目。 The “Friend of Peasants”, the seventh prog
你已走不进这个春天和之后所有的春天--悼一位我所深深崇敬的满族前辈  迎接金黄花瓣的是我,不是你  你已走不进这个春天和之后所有的春天  火焰在去冬画了一个圈,圈着你
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