
来源 :安徽农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengczl
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小麦品种抗銹性的研究,是研究防治小麦锈病措施中的一項經济有效的根本措施。根据几年来我們在这方面的工作体会,参考目前各地的一些資料,試就小麦品种抗銹性的鉴定方法,綜合介紹如下。一、孢子悬浮液的配制孢子悬浮液有清水孢子悬浮液和洋菜胶孢子悬浮液两种。清水孢子悬浮液,是用接种針(一端为盾状扁平的普通鉄針)直接挑取銹菌夏孢子,置于清水中配制而成;洋菜胶孢子悬浮液,是用一千份水比一份洋菜(琼脂),經加热熔化成均匀的洋菜胶溶液,而后再以接种針挑取銹菌夏孢子,置于其中配制即成。这两种孢子液均經常采用。前一种虽配制方法簡便,但孢子悬浮性不好,多浮在水 The study on the rust resistance of wheat cultivars is a cost-effective and fundamental measure to control wheat rust. According to the past few years we work experience in this regard, with reference to some of the information around the current test on the identification of wheat varieties rust resistance, a comprehensive introduction is as follows. First, the preparation of spore suspension spore suspension with water spore suspension and agar spore suspension two. Water spore suspension, is the inoculation needle (one end of the shield-shaped flat needle commonly used) directly pick rust summer spores, placed in clear water preparation; Agar Spore suspension, with a water ratio of one thousand An agar (Agar), heated to melt into a uniform Agar solution, and then pick the needle to pick rust rust spores, placed in which Serve. Both spore liquid are often used. Although the first preparation method is simple, but poor suspension of spores, more floating in water
第一部分 选择题 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。1.财政分配的
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北京农业大学裘维蕃著《植物病毒学》一书(1964年2月,农业出版社),前曾读其初稿,最近得读其增订本。全书共14章,后面有5个增录及索引等共405页,内有21个表和77个图。 此书内
目的 侧茎橐吾(Ligulariapleurocaulis)为菊科橐吾属植物,其根和根茎入药,有止咳化痰、活血化瘀等功效,为中药“紫菀”(中国药典2000年版收载为AstertataricusL.f.的根及根
异放线酮(M-101)是一种国产薪型抗菌素,于1957年,从我国制霉菌素生产废液中,分离得到的一种属于放线酮一类的异构体。关于用放线酮防治真菌性植物病害的研究,1948午 Felber