超低空突 防苏-34全纪录

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苏-34的装备在现代世界航空武器装备发展过程中算是个异类,当各国都开始重视战斗机的多用途化,纷纷通过增加功能和改型发展多用途战斗机的时候,苏-34就成了世界上最后进入装备服役的战斗轰炸机。了解苏-34这种堪称技术最先进、战斗力最强的末代战斗轰炸机,对于把握俄罗斯战术航空兵的装备发展和战术体系,以及苏-34未来发展的趋势和可能的改进前景都有重要价值。苏-34作为战斗力并不均衡的高成本专用战斗轰炸机装备,进入任何空军力量服役之前都必须明确三个问题,那就是有没有用,为什么要用和怎么用,只有确定苏-34在作战体系中确实有用、会用、能够用好才有真正的存在价值,否则对航空兵部队的资源和苏-34本身部是种无意义的浪费。苏-34应该是世界上最后服役的纯粹的战斗轰炸机,该机服役时间不但比美国和西欧同类作战飞机晚得多,甚至比中国空军装备的歼轰-7A的装备服役时间还要晚。俄罗斯空军装备苏-34的态度是认真的,试验和生产工作也比较完整系统,相比苏联遗留的大量军机型号,因为俄罗斯经济困难先后下马,已经有苏-30MK可选的俄罗斯空军没有去追求多用途,而是投入大量资源开发和研制苏-34就显得与众不同。苏-34的装备与战术攻击机多用途化的整体趋势背道而驰,俄罗斯已经大规模生产和出口具备多用途能力的苏-30MK,在这种情况下仍然投入力量开发和装备苏-34战斗轰炸机,显然不是因为俄罗斯空军装备思想上的因循守旧,而是俄罗斯空军对苏-34这样机型的应用有不同的认识。想要从根本上了解苏-34在苏联/俄罗斯空军中的地位和作用,就必须了解苏联战术航空兵攻击机部队的装备发展过程,尤其是计划由苏-34替代的苏-24的功能、性能和战术应用,而认识和了解苏-34对俄罗斯空军新装备和作战体系有重要价值。 Su-34 equipment in the modern world aviation equipment development can be regarded as a heterogeneous, when all countries began to attach importance to multi-purpose fighter, have increased functionality and modification of multi-purpose fighter, Su-34 became the world Finally entered the equipment serving fighter-bombers. Understanding Su-34, the most technologically advanced and most powerful Final Fighter-Bomber, is of great value in grasping the equipment development and tactical system of the Russian tactical aviation as well as the future development of the Su-34 and possible future improvements. Su -34 as the combat effectiveness is not balanced high-cost fighter-bomber equipment, before entering any service of the air force must be clear three questions, that is, there is no use, why and how to use, only to determine Su-34 in combat system Indeed useful, will be used, can be used to have a true value, or aviation resources and Su-34 itself is a kind of meaningless waste. Su-34 should be the world’s last serving purely fighter-bombers, the aircraft not only service time than similar combat aircraft in the United States and Western Europe is much later, even more than the Chinese Air Force equipped JH-7A equipment later in life. Russian Air Force Su -34 attitude is serious, experimental and production work is also more complete system, compared to the Soviet Union left a large number of military aircraft models, because Russia has been disastrous economic difficulties, there has been SU ​​-30MK optional Russian Air Force did not pursue Multi-purpose, but invested a lot of resources to develop and develop Su-34 is different. The Su-34’s equipment runs counter to the overall trend of multi-purpose use of tactical attack aircraft. Russia has massively produced and exported the Su-30MK with multi-purpose capabilities. Under such circumstances, efforts are still devoted to developing and equipping Su-34 fighter- Obviously not because of the Russian Air Force equipment ideological conservative, but the Russian Air Force Su-34 this type of application has a different understanding. To understand fundamentally the position and role of the Su-34 in the Soviet / Russian Air Forces, it is important to understand the equipment development process of the Soviet tactical aviation strike aircraft unit, and in particular the Su-24 function, performance, which is planned to be replaced by Su-34 And tactical applications, understanding and understanding of the Soviet -34 Russian Air Force new equipment and operational system has important value.
《吉林省城乡集市贸易管理细则》已经一九八四年二月十八日吉林省第六届人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议原则批准。现予公布施行。 The Jilin Province Urban and Rural
虽然美国的军事实力独步天下,但“军事实力”与“军事能力”是两个概念,“零伤亡效应”下的美国军事干预“能力”相对于其“实力”而言,要大打折扣。  自去年下半年以来,美国实施了一系列军事举措:调整全球范围内的军事部署,使之向亚太地区倾斜;在太平洋海域举行规模空前的“夏季脉动-2004”军事演习;增强太平洋舰队军力配置,组建快速反应部队等等。与这些军事举措相配合,2005年2月,美国又与日本一道发布联合
朱森元,中国运载火箭技术研究院研究员,博士生导师,1995年被选为中科院院士。1930年出生,江苏溧阳人,毕业于莫斯科包曼高工研究生院,回国后参加过我国第一代地地导弹的研制,1970年开始主持氢氧火箭发动机的预先研究,转为型号研制后继续参加研制工作。直到第一,第二颗通讯卫星成功发射。  朱森元院士曾任国家高技术发展计划(863计划)航天领域专家组成员,火箭发动机和大型运载火箭专家组组长,国家高技术
各区、县人民政府,市府直属各单位: 鉴于市公费医疗预防实施管理委员会部份成员工作变动,为加强管理,现将调整后的市公费医疗预防实施管理委员会成员通知如下: 主任:李兰芳(