
来源 :深圳土木与建筑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ji1ji2
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建筑为人提供空间,满足生活、生产和社会的需求。一、深圳见证1、“建筑学”源头古时,原始人类最早栖身于洞穴。《韩非子·五蠹》中有记载:“上古之世,人民少而禽兽众。人民不胜禽兽虫蛇,有圣人作,构木为巢,以避群害。”随着农业的发展,人类开始安居,以土石草木等天然材料建造简易房屋。这是人类最早的把自然环境改造成为适于居住的人工环境的所谓建筑活动。人们在这种有意识的创造环境的活动中,积累知识,总结经验,不断创新,逐步形成了建筑学这门学科。建筑学与人类同时产生,同时发展,它诞生于人类为生存而改造自然的创作活动中,更为人类改造自然而服务。 Architecture provides space for people to meet the needs of life, production and society. First, Shenzhen witness 1, “Architecture ” The origin of ancient times, the primitive human earliest living in the cave. “Han Feizi · Five Beetles” is recorded in: “In ancient times, the people were few and the beasts were numerous, the people were numerous and insects, there were saints, and the wood was the nest, so as to avoid mass destruction.” With the development of agriculture, Humans began to live in simple houses built of natural materials such as earth and stone. This is the earliest mankind's so-called architectural activity to transform the natural environment into a habitable artificial environment. In this conscious activity of creating environment, people accumulate knowledge, sum up experience and innovate constantly, and gradually form the discipline of architecture. Architecture and mankind at the same time produce, develop at the same time, it was born in the creative activities of mankind for the survival and transformation of nature, but also for mankind to transform nature and service.
等腰三角形底边上任意一点到两腰的距离之和等于一腰上的高是由等腰三角形定义导出的一个重要性质,它的证明方法包括截长补短法和面积法.本文就这个性质的证明及应用略谈浅见.  等腰三角形是一种特殊的三角形,因此它具备一般三角形不具备的特殊性质,譬如等腰三角形最典型的一个特性,就是在这个三角形中有两条边相等.我们运用等腰三角形的这个特性可以进一步研究探讨,从而得到如下一个性质.  一、性质  等[WTBX]
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孩子是一家的欢乐之源。自从孩子出生后,我就想着要把她的成长过程记录下来。写过日记,也照了不少照片,但总觉得这都是些比较常见的手段,不能反映时代特色。 Children are