
来源 :上海环境科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjcog
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随着经济与环境协调发展观点的提出,上海将环保产业列为“九五”重点发展的新兴产业,到2000年成为新的支柱产业之一。文章首先分析了上海环保产业的现状:到1994年底,共有652家企业从事生产,拥有固定资产21.4亿元;企业技术水平低,品种单一。同时,文章又分析了上海发展环保产业的3大优势:完整的工业体系、科研体制改革深入、国际交流合作的扩大。在此基础上,环保产业发展要实现3个指标:力争年增长率20%,组织集团公司,推出高技术、知名品牌。为了加快实现这些目标,文章从组织机构、产业政策、人才培养、国际合作等方面提出了一系列对策措施。 With the view of the coordinated development of the economy and the environment, Shanghai has listed the environmental protection industry as an emerging industry that has been the key to development during the Ninth Five-Year Plan period and will become one of the new pillar industries by the year 2000. The article first analyzed the status quo of the environmental protection industry in Shanghai: By the end of 1994, a total of 652 enterprises had engaged in production, with 2.14 billion yuan in fixed assets; the company’s technology was low and the variety was single. At the same time, the article also analyzed three major advantages of Shanghai’s development of environmental protection industry: a complete industrial system, in-depth reform of the scientific research system, and the expansion of international exchanges and cooperation. On this basis, the development of the environmental protection industry must achieve three indicators: strive to achieve an annual growth rate of 20%, organize group companies, and launch high-tech, well-known brands. In order to speed up the realization of these goals, the article proposed a series of countermeasures from the aspects of organization, industrial policy, personnel training, and international cooperation.
1.保持一支专业门类齐全的、有创新能力的国防科研体系是新时期军事战略方针的需要。 经过近40年来的努力奋斗,主要依靠我国自己建立起来的国防科研能力,已经形成了专业门类
一、产品简介: 玉米黄色素是从玉米黄浆粉中提取的一种食用天然黄色素,为类胡萝卜素的混合物。类胡萝卜素在体内能转化为维生素A,具有保护视觉,促进人体生长发育,提高抗病力
美国素有世界汽车王国之称,尽管近年来日本的汽车产量已凌驾于美国,但美国庞大的汽车零配件行业及其服务网点仍居全球领先地位,独占鳌头。 汽车零配件市场 在美国本土,汽车
介绍了德国主要的航空航天工业企业的发展历程以及相互关系,介绍了这些公司从事的研究领域和参与的本国和国际项目。 The development history and interrelationships of ma