四变革 新荷兰

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回顾已经结束的世界杯欧洲区预选赛,在8个小组的第一名中,荷兰的出线之路最为轻松自如,尽管同组还有曾经的欧洲冠军捷克队和老牌劲旅罗马尼亚。预选赛取得10胜的他们,是欧洲区战绩最佳的球队(也是惟一一支10胜球队),而荷兰人主客场两胜老冤家捷克,更是被认为欧洲区预选赛经典之役。而四年前,同样的一条出线路,荷兰人走起来却异常艰难,小组赛里,荷兰人因为一连串的阴谋和自己的不争气,不得不仰葡萄牙和爱尔兰的鼻息,最后窝囊死去。那一次,有个人拍案而起,接着就是连续3年的沉默。他在等待机会,他也等到了机会。他在2004年欧洲杯后成为了荷兰国家队的主教练,他用预选赛12战10胜的欧洲第一胜率,证明了他在教练席上取得的成就,终将会超过在球场上所取得的。他就是荷兰足球的象征——范巴斯滕。恒心、毅力和天赋,是巴斯滕在球员生涯留给教练生涯的财富,铁腕则是教练巴斯滕自己领悟出来的教练哲学。出任荷兰国家队主教练前没当过1分钟成年队主教练的巴斯滕,用一场没有硝烟的革命,悄悄地完成了对“巴斯滕之队”的改造。经过改造后的荷兰队,比以前任何一段时期更专心、敬业和有效,他上任后荷兰队16场国际比赛不败的战绩就是最好的证明。虽然巴斯滕在某种程度上放弃了历届荷兰队对于足球美学的追求,但对于胜利和纪律的追求,却使得现在的荷兰队,成了明年德国世界杯上最被看好的球队之一。 Recalling the finished World Cup qualifiers in Europe, the first of eight teams in the Netherlands qualifies as the easiest way to go, even though the same group also had the former European champion Czech Republic and veteran Romania. They qualify for the preliminaries 10 wins, is the best team in Europe (the only one 10 wins team), while the Dutch home wins two wins veteran Czech Republic, it is considered the European qualifier classic service. And four years ago, the same one out of the line, the Dutch go up very difficult, in the group stage, the Dutch because of a series of intrigues and their own disappointment, have to resort to the breath of Portugal and Ireland, finally wiped out. At that time, someone started a raid, followed by three consecutive years of silence. He is waiting for a chance, he also waits for a chance. He became head coach of the Dutch national team after the European Cup in 2004 and proved his achievements on the bench over the European first win of a 10-for-12 pre-season match, of. He is a symbol of Dutch football - Van Basten. Perseverance, perseverance and talent, is Basten in the player’s career to leave the wealth of coaching career, the iron hand is coaching coach Basten learned coach philosophy. Basten, an adult team head coach who had not played for a minute before being coach of the Dutch national team, quietly completed the transformation of “Basten’s Team” with a smoke-free revolution. After the transformation of the Dutch team, more than any period of time before more dedicated, dedicated and effective after he took office, the Dutch team’s 16 international games unbeaten record is the best proof. Although Basten to some extent to abandon the previous Dutch team’s pursuit of football aesthetics, but the pursuit of victory and discipline, but now the Netherlands team, next year’s World Cup in Germany became one of the most favored team.
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