
来源 :中国医院药学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovemy521
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目的 :了解上海市 4 6家医院口服降糖药的临床用药情况及发展趋势 ,探讨降糖药的合理选用和医药卫生资源更合理的利用。方法 :应用标准总金额排序法及用药人次排序法对上海市医院近 5年 (1996~ 2 0 0 0年 )口服降糖药的利用情况进行分析。结果 :近 5年来 ,上海市口服降糖药用药金额和用药人次均有大幅度的增长 (增幅分别为 2 34.31%和 111.77% )。用药金额排序为格列齐特、阿卡波糖和二甲双胍 ;用药人次排序为格列齐特、二甲双胍和格列吡嗪。结论 :5年间口服降糖药在糖尿病患者中的服药人数大大增多 ,且人们更多选用了新型降糖药。在临床应用中磺脲类的格列齐特仍居主导地位 ;双胍类的二甲双胍用量增长很快 ;阿卡波糖用药人次与金额的同步性较差 ,临床应进一步掌握好合理用药指征。 Objective: To understand the clinical medication and development trend of oral hypoglycemic agents in 46 hospitals in Shanghai, and explore the rational use of hypoglycemic agents and more rational utilization of medical and health resources. Methods: The application of oral hypoglycemic agents in Shanghai hospital for the past 5 years (1996-2000) was analyzed by the standard total amount ranking method and medication ranking method. Results: In the recent 5 years, the amount of oral hypoglycemic drug and the number of drug users in Shanghai increased significantly (up by 2 34.31% and 111.77% respectively). Medications were ranked as gliclazide, acarbose and metformin; drug order was gliclazide, metformin and glipizide. Conclusion: The number of oral hypoglycemic agents in patients with diabetes greatly increased in 5 years, and more people choose new hypoglycemic agents. In clinical applications, sulfonylureas gliclazide still dominates; the dosage of metformin of biguanides increases rapidly; the synchronization between the amount of acarbose and the amount of medications is poor; and clinical indications for proper medication should be further mastered.
This paper expounds the effect of"Qi"on human body by constructing the model of Qi,classifies the parts according to the category of Yin and Yang on the coordin