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一宜春县马塘生产队的调查——宜春县渥江公社上石大队马塘生产队,是个红壤丘陵地区,全队89户390人,劳力137人,山林面积2,454亩,其中:油茶山1,350亩,杉树618亩,阔叶树496亩,耕地面积503亩,其中水田486亩,平均每人有山6.3亩,有田1.29亩。为了加强山林营理,发挥林业优势,这个队于1980年实行了山林“定包”管理到劳的责任制,从而调动了群众的生产积极性,对森林保护、林业生产起了积极促进作用,推动了林业、农业多种经营的发展。1980年全队大大小小一百多个山头实现绿化,林业收入达20,264元占总收入的19%,平均每人53.2元, Yichun County Matang production team survey - Yichun County Wujiang Commune Shek Pai Mata production team, is a red soil hilly areas, the team 89 households 390 people, labor force 137 people, 2,454 acres of mountain forest area, of which: Camellia Hill 1,350 618 mu of cedar trees, 496 mu of broad-leaved trees and 503 mu of cultivated land, of which 486 mu are paddy fields. Each of them has an average of 6.3 mu of mountains and 1.29 mu of arable fields. In order to strengthen the management of mountain forests and give play to their advantages in forestry, the team implemented the responsibility system for managing forests and “fixed-package” management in 1980, thus mobilizing the enthusiasm of the masses for production and contributing positively to forest protection and forestry production , Promoting the development of forestry and agricultural diversification. In 1980, more than 100 hills of large, small and large enterprises came to realize afforestation. The forestry income amounted to 20,264 yuan, accounting for 19% of the total income, with an average of 53.2 yuan per person.
We demonstrate efficient generation of continuous spectrum centered at 400 nm from solid thin plates. By frequency doubling of 0.8 mJ, 30 fs Ti:sapphire laser p
In this work pulse generation in both the 1.5 and 2 μm spectral ranges using a graphene oxide(GO)-paper-based saturable absorber in Er-and Tm-doped fiber laser
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世界上的花园城市很多 ,但像联邦德国首都波恩这样充满田园风光的花园城市却不多见。位于莱茵河科隆湾畔的波恩市 ,虽然是联邦德国的铁路要站、重要河港和较大的工业中心 ,但
现代旅游业是一个具有高投入、高增值、高就业、高创汇、高效益特征的新兴优势产业 ,由于其高度的产业关联性(旅游业发展直接和间接带动有关行业的发展 )和“乘数效应”(一般
20 0 0年 7月 ,市委、市政府在南三县 (市 )召开了计划生育优质服务流动现场会 ,总结推广了南三县 (市 )开展生殖保健服务、婚育新风进万家活动、城镇计划生育管理与服务等经
【鹭大专论】求真务实 开拓创新 加快鹭江职业大学 2 1世纪的新发展刘金桂 2 0 0 1(1) 1…………与时俱进 开拓创新刘金桂 2 0 0 1(4) 1…………………………………………
《中国钱币》 2 0 0 0年第 4期刊载郑仁杰先生大作 ,论及上述两枚被误认为出自天津造币厂的铜元 ,并举证验明其正身。笔者虽对铜币没有研究 ,但适藏有文中提及的部分资料原版