一、思想基础——终身教育思想的推动继续教育的思想基础,或者说它的思想根源是终身教育的理论。1919年,英国成人教育委员会(Adult Education Committee)首先在报告中揭示了“终身教育”(Lifelong education)的意义:“成人的一生,是施以长期的,绁续的、彻底的、普及的教育过程”。但是首次提出终身教育思想的是联合国教科文组织成人教育局局长(后为终身教育局局长)保罗·朗格朗(Paul Lengrand)。他认为,“把人生分成两半,前半生用于受教育,后半生用于劳动,这是毫无科学根据的。”为了适应
First, the ideological foundation - Lifelong educational thought to promote the ideological basis for continuing education, or its ideological roots is the theory of lifelong education. In 1919, the British Adult Education Committee first revealed in the report the meaning of “Lifelong education.” The adult life is a long-term, continuous, thorough and universal education process“. However, for the first time, the idea of lifelong education was put forward by Paul Lengrand, director of the Bureau of Adult Education of UNESCO (later the director of LFA). In his opinion, ”there is no scientific basis for dividing life in half, for education in the first half, and labor for the second half of the year." In order to adapt