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研究了不同生物气候带下的几种土壤对Cu,Pb、Cd、F的吸附特性、缓冲性及其对土壤中养分元素比例变化的影响;改良剂CaCO3及K2HPO4的使用对土壤一植物系统中养分元素分布及有效性的影响。结果表明,有机质含量高的泥炭土及CaCO3含量高的褐土对Cu、Pb、Cd的吸附性强,缓冲性强,而红壤及黄棕壤对上述供试元素吸附性弱,缓冲性弱。Cu、Pb、Cd污染使土壤溶液中Ca含量增加,F污染使土壤溶液中Fe含量增加。施用改良剂可以改变土壤-植物系统中的可溶态Fe、Mn、Ca、Mg的分布。在红壤、黄棕壤中施加CaCO3比施加K2HPO4效果为佳,可以增加土壤-植物系统中养分元系的有效性。 The effects of different soil types on the sorption properties of Cu, Pb, Cd and F, their buffer properties and the changes of nutrient elements in soil were studied. The effects of CaCO3 and K2HPO4 on soil-plant system Effect of Nutrient Distribution and Effectiveness. The results showed that the cinnamon soil with high organic matter content and the cinnamon soil with high content of CaCO3 had strong adsorption to Cu, Pb and Cd and strong cushioning, while the red soil and yellow brown soil had weak adsorption and weak buffer to the above elements. The contents of Ca in soil solution increased with the contamination of Cu, Pb and Cd, and F pollution increased the Fe content in soil solution. Application of modifiers can alter the distribution of soluble Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg in soil-plant systems. In red soil and yellow brown soil, the application of CaCO3 is better than that of K2HPO4, which can increase the availability of nutrient elements in soil-plant system.
We all enjoy being together with friends,which,of course,is one of the reasons why the sitcom Friends has been so popular.However,no matter how close the friend
随着经济的发展,一个国家和地区产业结构的重心将依次从第一产业向第二产业,再向第三产业转移。然而,这个世界公认的定律在深圳并不灵验。深圳的发展奇迹就在于顺应经济规律,迅速实现了从低向高持续不断的产业优化升级,成功跨越了不同发展阶段。  从第二产业结构来看,深圳工业发展以“三来一补”作为起点,经历了蛙跳式的演进,使幼稚的高新技术产业很快成长为深圳产业结构中的主导产业和支柱产业。1978年前,深圳的工业
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