
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangwenhu8
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目前,农村幼儿园(班)的布局大多是乡镇举办一所中心幼儿园,各村多办有幼儿班。在实践中,我们感到这样的布局不是很合理,弊端较多。首先是村村都办幼儿班,规模偏小,布点分散,不便管理。其次是由于生源较少,多数班只好开成混合班,不利于提高保教质量。其三是每个村的幼儿人数不多,甚至只有10来名,不可能也没有必要村村投入大笔资金,去购买各种大型教玩具,结果是必要的保教条件不具备,质量低下,与中心园形成明显的反差,致使部分家长舍近求远,每天往返一两个小时接送孩子到乡镇入中心园。这样,既增加了家长的负担,又使中心园学额超员较多,而村办的幼儿班学额严重不足,甚至开不出班。为了解决上述矛盾,我们海安县章郭乡作了大胆的尝试:在建设好中心园的基础上,决定撤销各村 At present, most of the rural kindergartens (classes) are organized by towns and townships to hold a central kindergarten, and more villages have preschool classes. In practice, we feel that such a layout is not very reasonable and has many drawbacks. The first is the village are run nursery classes, small-scale distribution of scattered, inconvenient management. Followed by fewer students, most classes had to open mixed class, is not conducive to improving the quality of education. The third is that the number of young children in each village is small, even with only 10 names. It is neither possible nor necessary for the village and village to invest large sums of money in purchasing various large-scale teaching toys. As a result, the necessary conditions for protesting education are not available and the quality is low. The obvious contrast with the Central Park has caused some parents to move closer and take children to the township into the Central Park every day for an hour or two. In this way, it not only increases the burden on parents, but also makes more school places for overcrowding in the Central Park, while the number of preschool places for village-run children places a serious shortage of school places or even breaks classes. In order to solve the above contradictions, we made a bold attempt at Zhangguo Township, Hai’an County: on the basis of building a central park, we decided to withdraw all villages
晚上,我端来一盆热乎乎的水准备给爸爸洗脚。爸爸一开始不答应,后来在我的再三劝说下,他才同意。我先让爸爸把脚放在水里泡了一会儿。爸爸那双冷冰冰的脚变得暖和起来 In th
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