Chronic ulcerative gastroduodenitis as a first gastrointestinal manifestation of Hermansky-Pudlak sy

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdongjiang
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A 10-year-old Chinese boy who had a history of congenital thrombocytopathy presented with severe iron deficiency anemia secondary to chronic gastric inflammation and duodenal ulcerations. Subtle oculocutaneous albinism led to the finding of diminished dense bodies in the platelets under electron microscopy, hence the diagnosis of Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS). Biopsies from the stomach and duodenum revealed a lymphocytic infiltration in the submucosa, but H pylori infection was absent. The gastroduodenitis responded to the treatment with omeprazole while iron deficiency anemia was corrected by oral iron therapy. HPS is a rare cause of congenital bleeding disorder with multisystemic manifestations. Upper gastrointestinal involvement is rare and should be distinguished from a mere manifestation of the bleeding diathesis. A 10-year-old Chinese boy who had a history of congenital thrombocytopathy presented with severe iron deficiency anemia secondary to chronic gastric inflammation and duodenal ulcerations. Therefore Subtle oculocutaneous albinism led to the finding of diminished dense bodies in the platelets under electron microscopy, hence the diagnosis of Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS). Biopsies from the stomach and duodenum revealed a lymphocytic infiltration in the submucosa, but H pylori infection was absent. The gastroduodenitis responded to the treatment with omeprazole while iron deficiency anemia was corrected by oral iron therapy. HPS is a rare cause of congenital bleeding disorder with multisystemic manifestations. Upper gastrointestinal involvement is rare and should be distinguished from a mere manifestation of the bleeding diathesis.
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