Analysis of β-elemene Contents in Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng and Lantana camara L. by HPLC

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ObjectiveTo find out new and low-cost resources of β-elemene and new approach of utilizing two malignant invasive plants ( Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng and Lantana camara Linn. ) . Method The content of β-elemene in different parts of E. adenophorum and L. camara from Panxi Area were analyzed by HPLC on Eclipse XDB-C 18 ( 4.6 mm ×150 mm,5 μm) . The mobile phase was ethanol∶acetonitrile∶water ( 70∶10∶20,V / V) ; flow rate was 1. 0 mL / min; detection wavelength was 210 nm; injection volume was 20 μL; and column temperature was 30 ℃ . Result Content of β-elemene in naturally dried leaves of L. camara was 0. 126% ,which was close to that in RHIZOMA CURCUMAE. Content of β-elemene in naturally dried leaves of E. adenophorum was 0. 383% ,which was 2 times of that in RHIZOMA CURCUMAE. Conclusion Extracting β-elemene from E. adenophorum and L. camara could greatly reduce the material cost of β-elemene,and it provided new approach for the control and development of malignant weeds. ObjectiveTo find out new and low-cost resources of β-elemene and new approach of utilizing both malignant invasive plants (Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng and Lantana camara Linn.). Method The content of β-elemene in different parts of E. adenophorum and L. camara from Panxi Area were analyzed by HPLC on Eclipse XDB-C 18 (4.6 mm × 150 mm, 5 μm). The mobile phase was ethanol: acetonitrile: water (70:10:20, V / V) . The detection wavelength was 210 nm; injection volume was 20 μL; and column temperature was 30 ° C. Result Content of β-elemene in naturally dried leaves of L. camara was 0. 126%, which was close to that in RHIZOMA CURCUMAE. Content of β-elemene in naturally dried leaves of E. adenophorum was 0.383%, which was 2 times in that in RHIZOMA CURCUMAE. Conclusion Extracting β-elemene from E. adenophorum and L. camara could greatly reduce the material cost of β-elemene, and it provided new approach for the control and development of malignant weeds.
精确控制纤维传导率的两种方法 国外大量的研究发现,精确控制纤维的传导率是制造结构型雷达吸波材料的关键因素之一。改变纤维横截面形状,采用新的纤维表面处理技术都能精确
书名:过去:约翰 · 罗斯金自传  作者:[英]约翰 · 罗斯金/著 刘平/译  出版社:金城出版社  出版时间:2011年12月  定价:48.00元  本书展现了对约翰·罗斯金走上艺评之路的全景式描绘。它就像一幅展开的画卷,其中有罗斯金的父母对他的自始至终的关怀、影响,也有生活在其周围的人包括邻居、亲戚或朋友、老师、前辈等对罗斯金直接或间接的影响。始终贯穿全书的,是罗斯金的游历生活,它们无疑