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国家税务总局局长金人庆在去年底召开的全国税务工作会议上指出,2003年全国税收工作的总体要求是:以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,认真贯彻党的十六大和中央经济工作会议精神,积极稳妥地推进税收改革,切实加强管理,不断改进服务,全面推行执法责任制,转变作风,狠抓落实,确保圆满完成税收工作任务,为改革发展稳定作出新的更大的贡献。 一、全面贯彻党的十六大精神,围绕“1+3”工作思路抓好落实。按照中央精神,国家税务总局党组专门下发了《关于全国税务系统认真学习贯彻党的十六次全国代表大会精神的通知》,各级税务机关要加强领导,精心 At the national taxation conference held at the end of last year, Jin Renqing, director of the State Administration of Taxation, pointed out that the general requirement for the work of taxation in 2003 throughout the country is to follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents and conscientiously implement the principle of “ Sixth CPC Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference, actively and steadily push forward tax reform, earnestly strengthen management, continuously improve service, fully implement the responsibility system for law enforcement, change the style of work and pay close attention to its implementation so as to ensure the successful completion of taxation tasks and make new reforms for the stability and development Greater contribution. First, fully implement the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress, around the ”1 +3" work train of thought do a good job implementing. In accordance with the spirit of the Central Government, the party specialists of the State Administration of Taxation have issued the Circular on Seriously Studying and Implementing the Spirit of the 16th National Congress of the CPC in the National Taxation System, and the tax authorities at all levels should step up their leadership and carefully
供体的缺乏和移植排斥反应制约了胰岛移植的广泛应用 ,胰腺干细胞分离及诱导分化技术的进步将有助于解决这一矛盾 Lack of donor and graft rejection have restricted the
应用重组技术构建野生型及缺失型CDK2基因的真核表达载体 ,分别使野生型及缺失型CDK2蛋白与增强型绿色荧光蛋白 (Enhanced greenFluorescentProtein ,EGFP)形成融合蛋白。通