在阿姆斯特丹的国际社会史研究所,保存着德国工人运动著名活动家威廉·李卜克内西的许多书信的原件,其中有十五封是在爱森纳赫派与拉萨尔派合并后,于1875年10月至1878年1月期间写给马克思和恩格斯的,主要内容与杜林体系的论战有关。这些信件反映了当时德国社会主义工党(后改名为德国社会民主党)内思想斗争的尖锐性和严重性,表明了威·李卜克内西在同杜林的斗争中的原则立场。 威·李卜克内西在两派合并之前同倍倍尔一
In Amsterdam, the Institute of International Social History maintains the original letters of many letters from William Liebknecht, a famous activist in the German workers’ movement. Fifteen of these letters were originally collected after the merger of the Eisenach and Lassalle factions Written between Marx and Engels from October 1875 to January 1878, the main content relates to the controversy over the system of the Duhring. These letters reflect the acuteness and seriousness of the ideological struggle of the then German Socialist Labor Party (later renamed the German Social-Democracy) and demonstrated the principled position of Wei Liebknecht in his fight with Doolin. Via Liebknecht is equal to Bebel before the two factions merged