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  Thoughts after Involvements in the Five Mimic-animal Exercises
  With the start-up of the familiar music of "Five Animals Exercises", I calm my mind, regulate my breath, ascend lucidity and then descend turbidity, soon guided to the exercise. At this moment, the valor of the tiger, the ease of the moose, the calmness of the bear, the dexterity of the ape, and the lightness of the crane go hand in hand with me in body and mind, reaching internal and external unity.
  Sometimes the movements are as fierce as a tiger’s. The moment I practice the Five Mimic-animal Exercises, I feel strong and powerful, just like a tiger setting foot on a bluestone with abandon, overlooking the sun and the moon in the frosty wind, raising the head high and letting out a few long howls. Then, it seems as if a tiger pounced from the mountain, crushed cold bony stones and crossed mountain streams with dangerous rocks, soaring through the clouds full of grandeur. When the tiger preys, quickly and decisively, he jumps high with the sharp claws catching the prey's body and his eyes wide open, the front sharp teeth biting the prey's back of the neck, showing an awful atmosphere.
  Sometimes the movements are as quiet as a moose’s. In the jungle flourishing with vegetation, the moose with her slender neck and beautiful crown-like antlers stand straight, dignified and honorable.  She dances on the grassland, free and happy, as mysterious as a dream. Equipped with the wisdom of the wind and the speed of light, she freely and comfortably jumps and runs with no iron chains and no strict barriers. Then she rushes to the boundless horizons, leisurely eating grass, drinking water, enjoying the noon sunshine and midnight stars, and sometimes turning back, with a bit of disdain.   Sometimes the movements are as steady as a bear’s. When spring returns and all things revive, the bear wakes up after a long hibernation, leisurely wandering in forests and mountain gorges with a full but mild belly, freely turning his waist and moving his belly back and forth and swaying his head and tail, loose and natural.  Occasionally he strolls away, crossing mountains and rivers and dancing along Kunlun Mountains, seemingly clumsy but in fact with a loosening outside and a dynamic inside, an outer rigidness and an inside softness.
  Sometimes the movements are as smart as an ape’s. The ape jumps and climbs among the jagged rocks and trees, like flying wildly across the clouds and playing in the setting sun. Lively and agile, alert and keen, he often erects his body to look around. Sometimes his eyes are as bright as the brilliance of electric, and when seeing the flat peach is ripe and appealing, he climbs the tree, extending his long arm to pick, swift and light. Overjoyed, he looks back and forth at it just like a treasure, passing through branches and whisking leaves, and then hiding among the trees.
  Sometimes the movements are as light as a crane’s. With pure feather and elegant body, proudly tall and straight, the crane wanders among the boundless swamp with a solo dance against the rocks, floating as an independent, feathered celestial being. She lets out a clear and high sound now and then, making the clear water surface ripple layer upon layer. This moment, it seems as if my soul and the crane’s blend into one, hugging the gentle and quiet wind with my arms, fluttering my wings to fly and roaming high in the sky. And I feel as light as a wisp of cloud, floating like falling snow, and I also feel so free to soar into the sun and the moon.
  A brief introduction of the Five Mimic--animal Exercises: At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Hua Tuo, a highly skilled physician, based on the Guidance Techniques of his predecessors, combining with the principles of Yin and Yang, five elements, visceral images, meridians and collaterals, and the Qi-blood circulation, created a kind of medical Qigong, which imitated the habits and expressions of tiger, deer, bear, ape and bird, to prevent and cure diseases as well as to prolong life.
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