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关于人体自燃现象,我们不妨看几个案例。1663年,丹麦解剖学家托马斯·巴托林描述了巴黎的一名妇女在睡着时焚烧成一堆灰烬和烟雾的经过。这是历史上记载的第一起人体自燃事件。但她睡觉用的草垫床却并没有被火烧着。从那以后,又出现了数百例人体自燃现象。这些现象都有一个相似的模式——受害者通常是在家中自燃死亡的,燃烧往往非常彻底。验尸官在现场有时会注意到发生事故的房间内有一种甜而呛人的味道。近百年以来,又相继有类似的案例传出。 On the phenomenon of human spontaneous combustion, we may wish to see a few cases. In 1663, Danish anatomist Thomas Bartolin described the burning of a pile of ashes and smoke as a woman in Paris fell asleep. This is the first recorded history of human spontaneous combustion incident. But she was sleeping on the bed with the grass has not been burned. Since then, there have been hundreds of cases of spontaneous combustion. There is a similar pattern to these phenomena - victims usually spontaneously ignite at home and often burn very often. The coroner sometimes noticed on site that there was a sweet and choking smell in the room where the accident occurred. Nearly a hundred years, have followed a similar case came out.
白求恩医科大学第一附属医院卜国铉、杨占泉两教授于今年4月应邀在武汉讲学,内容:鼻神经 The First Affiliated Hospital of Bethune Medical University Bu Guo-hyun, Yan
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故障现象:一辆夏利轿车,因润滑不畅,使两只气门摇臂磨损,更换新品,换后经多次调试,气门响声仍 Symptoms: a Charade sedan, due to poor lubrication, so that the two val
外伤性瞳孔闭锁,处理比较困难,笔者对22例外伤性瞳孔闭锁,采用闭合式玻璃体切除术进行治疗,获得了较好的效果。现将我们的手术方法及体会介绍如下: 手术方法 Traumatic pup
摘要 研究Ag-ZSM-5催化剂上CH4选择性催化还原NOx的反应性能,采用TPD和TPSR技术研究NO和O2共吸附于Ag-ZSM-5催化剂表面形成的吸附物种及其和CH4之间的反应.结果表明,Ag-ZSM-5催化剂上CH4选择性还原NOx活性和选择性较高.NO和O2共吸附在Ag-ZSM-5
The prefrontal cortex is involved in a multitude of cognitive, emotional, motivational, and social processes, so exploring its specific functions is crucial for
角膜后弹力膜脱离多由眼内手术损伤所致,常呈片状,或伴反褶卷曲,少数可游离附于虹膜或晶状体表面。现遇1例后弹力膜管形脱离,报告如下: Corneal membrane detachment cause