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自2001年国家环境保护总局、教育部、全国少工委联合开展的争当环境小卫士系列活动,历时一年多,现已圆满结束。本次活动的特点是领导重视、组织落实、参赛人数多、效果显著。全国有百万名小学生参与,其系列活动中的“全国小学生环保知识大赛”、“全国小学生环保知识电视对抗赛”和“组织小学生开展具体的环保活动”三项主要活动获得了很大成功。并在全国产生了广泛而深远的影响,涌现出一大批成绩突出的小学生和环境小卫士。同时各省、自治区、直辖市的环保和教育部门、少年工作者、环保志愿者、以及中央电视台等新闻媒体也都为积极开展争当环境小卫士的活动付出了辛勤的劳动。7月19日国家环保总局举行了“全国争当环境小卫士活动”发奖大会暨“中国环境小卫士赴日夏令营”开营仪式。国家环保总局、教育部、全国少工委的有关领导出席了大会并讲话。国家环保总局王玉庆副局长对该活动的意义进行了高度概括,他指出:“环境小卫士既是一个光荣称号,更代表了一种现代文明精神。我相信,今后会有更多的少年儿童成为环境小卫士,相信环境小卫士的精神将通过这次活动深深地植根于中华大地,鼓舞我们的下一代都能成为祖国的建设者和保卫者。”发奖大会上,三部委的领导向荣获本次系列活动的十佳省级争当环境小卫士活? Since the series of activities organized jointly by the State Environmental Protection Administration, the Ministry of Education and the National Youth Work Committee to fight the environmental small-scale guerrillas in 2001, which lasted more than a year, the campaign has now been successfully concluded. The characteristics of this activity are the leaders’ attention, the implementation of the organization, the number of participants, the effect is remarkable. Millions of primary school students participated in the country. Three major activities of “National Pupils Environmental Protection Knowledge Competition”, “National Pupils Environmental Knowledge TV Match” and “Organizing Primary School Students to Carry Out Specific Environmental Protection Activities” won great successes in the series. And had a broad and far-reaching impact across the country. A large number of primary school pupils and small environmental guards emerged with outstanding achievements. At the same time, the environmental protection and education departments, juvenile workers, environmental volunteers in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and the news media such as CCTV have also worked hard to actively carry out activities that strive to become small environmental sanitation workers. On July 19, the State Environmental Protection Administration held the awarding ceremony of “National Small-scale Environmental Guard Activities” and the opening ceremony of “China’s Environmental Sanitation Camp for Summer Camps”. Relevant leaders of the State Environmental Protection Administration, the Ministry of Education and the National Youth Work Committee attended the meeting and made speeches. Deputy Director Wang Yuqing of the State Environmental Protection Administration highly summarized the significance of this activity. He pointed out: “Small environmental sanitation guardian is not only a glorious title but also represents a modern civilization and spirit. I believe that more children and adolescents will become the environment in the future Small defender, I believe the environment of small defender spirit through this activity will be deeply rooted in the vast land of China, inspiring our next generation can become the builders and defenders of the motherland. ”Award ceremony, the leaders of the three ministries Won the top ten provincial campaign for this series of activities as a small environmental activist?
背景:  失眠是临床常见病多发病之一,许多患者深受其苦。现代医学治疗失眠有心理疗法、药物疗法等,以药物疗法为主,但目前尚无治疗失眠的特效药物,且常用药物具有疗效不稳定及明
背景:出血性中风有较高的死亡率和病残率,严重威胁人类生命健康,给家庭和社会造成沉重的负担。目前国内外对其治疗尚无特效药物和方法。 目标:本临床研究以养阴法为指导思想,观