稀有金属情报网委托北京有色金属研究总院于1983年8月21日至9月28日在该院主办了“X射线衍射学习班”。学习班的学员来自冶金系统的13个单位,他们大部分是厂矿企业从事衍射分析工作的工程技术人员。 教学内容主要是: 1.衍射分析的基础理论知识。邀请北京钢铁
Rare Metal Information Network commissioned Beijing Nonferrous Metal Research Institute in August 21, 1983 to September 28 hosted “X-ray diffraction classes.” The participants in the class came from 13 units in the metallurgical system, most of whom are engineers and technicians engaged in diffraction analysis at factories and mines. The main content of teaching: 1. The basic theoretical knowledge of diffraction analysis. Beijing Steel invited