10月21日中午11时25分,位于杭州市秋涛路、杭海路交叉口的、尚在建造中的孔雀大厦11层脚手架突然起火,并迅速向上下左右蔓延。 11时31分,杭州消防支队“119”指挥中心接到报警,立即派出南星、艮山、湖滨、西湖、朝晖等五个消防中队的9辆消防车前往扑救。考虑到这是一起典型的高层建筑火灾,西湖中队的进口曲臂登高车、湖滨中队的50米“马基路斯”云梯车同时紧急出动,支队指挥员及省消防总队、市公安局有关领导也火速赶到现场指挥灭火。 11时37分,南星中队首车到场时,16层66.3米高的孔雀大厦2至13层的脚手架均已起火。毛竹、竹
At 21:25 on October 21, the scaffolding on the 11th floor of the Peacock Building still under construction at the intersection of Qiutao Road and Hanghai Road in Hangzhou suddenly caught fire and spread rapidly up and down. 11:31, Hangzhou Fire Brigade “119” Command Center received the alarm immediately sent South Star, Genshan, Lakeside, West Lake, Zhaohui five fire squadron of 9 fire engines to fight. Taking into account that this is a typical high-rise building fire, West Lake Squadron imported crank booster, Hubin Squadron's 50-meter “Mukilosis” ladder truck at the same time emergency dispatch, detachment commander and Provincial Fire Brigade, Municipal Public Security Bureau leaders Also rushed to the scene command fire. At 11:37 am, when the first team of the Southern Star Squadron arrived, 16 to 66.3 meters of peacock mansions from 2 to 13 floors had been set on fire. Bamboo, bamboo