Empirical likelihood-based inferences for the area under the ROC curve with covariates

来源 :Science China(Mathematics) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangyinalv
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In the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis,the area under the ROC curve (AUC) is a popular summary index of discriminatory accuracy of a diagnostic test.Incorporating covariates into ROC analysis can improve the diagnostic accuracy of the test.Regression model for the AUC is a tool to evaluate the effects of the covariates on the diagnostic accuracy.In this paper,empirical likelihood (EL) method is proposed for the AUC regression model.For the regression parameter vector,it can be shown that the asymptotic distribution of its EL ratio statistic is a weighted sum of independent chi-square distributions.Confidence regions are constructed for the parameter vector based on the newly developed empirical likelihood theorem,as well as for the covariate-specific AUC.Simulation studies were conducted to compare the relative performance of the proposed EL-based methods with the existing method in AUC regression.Finally,the proposed methods are illustrated with a real data set. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, the area under the ROC curve (AUC) is a popular summary index of discriminatory accuracy of a diagnostic test. Correct covariates into ROC analysis can improve the diagnostic accuracy of the test. Regression model for the AUC is a tool to evaluate the effects of the covariates on the diagnostic accuracy. In this paper, the empirical likelihood (EL) method is proposed for the AUC regression model. For the regression parameter vector, it can be shown that the asymptotic distribution of its EL ratio statistic is a weighted sum of independent chi-square distributions. Confidence regions are constructed for the parameter vector based on the newly developed [0069] empirical likelihood likelihood, as well as for the covariate-specific AUC.Simulation studies were conducted to compare the relative performance of the proposed EL-based methods with the existing method in AUC regression. Finally, the proposed methods are illustrated with a real data set.
在当代书籍装帧艺术界中,张守义先生深受作家欢迎、同行钦敬、读者喜爱。这是和他四十年来顽强执著的艺术追求紧密相连的。 1954年,他作为中央美院绘画系的毕业生,开始从事