Local Convective Heat Transfer from Small Heaters to Impinging Submerged Axisymmetric Jets of Seven

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdxxx123
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Using seven working fluids, a systematic experimental study was performed to investigate the local convective heat transfer from vertical heaters to impinging circular submerged jets in the range of Reynolds number between 1.17 ×102 and 3.69 × 104 with the emphasis placed on the examination of Prandtl number dependence. Heat transfer coefficiellts at the stagnation point were collected and correlated with the plate held within and beyond the potential core. Radial distribution of the local heat transfer coefficient was measured with five test liquids. Based on the measured profiles of the local heat transfer, a correlation was developed to cover the entire range of the radial distance. Besides the presellt data, the correlations developed in this work were also compared with a large quantity of available data of circular air jets. General agreement was observed between the air data and the correlat ions. Using seven working fluids, a systematic experimental study was performed to investigate the local convective heat transfer from vertical heaters to impinging circular submerged jets in the range of Reynolds number between 1.17 × 102 and 3.69 × 104 with the emphasis placed on the examination of Prandtl number dependence. Heat transfer coefficiellts at the stagnation point were collected and correlated with the plate held within and beyond the potential core. Radial distribution of the local heat transfer coefficient was measured with five test liquids. Based on the measured profiles of the local heat transfer, a correlation was developed to cover the entire range of the radial distance. the correlations developed in this work were also compared with a large quantity of available data of circular air jets. General agreement was observed between the air data and the correlat ions.
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