
来源 :新课程(教师版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mena
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近日,笔者听说某校在高三的年轻教师听课的问题上,提出了很高的要求,并作硬性规定:“一周至少要听老教师四节先行课。”对此,笔者认为:此举有待商榷。高三老教师,顾名思义,他们已经执教高三多年,课前的精心准备、课堂行云流水的驾驭等方面均值得后辈学习。年轻教师走进他们的课堂听课,吸收与借鉴他们的教学经验,把握 Recently, I have heard that a certain school has made high demands on the issues of young teachers of the third grade in class, and made hard rules: “At least we must listen to the old teacher’s four lessons in a week.” In response, the author thinks: This move is open to question. Senior middle school teachers, as the name suggests, have been teaching senior high school for many years, and well-prepared pre-class lessons and the smooth running of the classroom are worthy of learning from younger generations. Young teachers walk into their classrooms to learn and learn from their teaching experience.
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新世纪以来,北方不少名校都向广东输出教育资源,在我省独办或者合作兴办学校。这些南飞的大雁,正如我们中学生一样,向着太阳,放飞理想。 Since the new century, many prest
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