探索办学理念 创新办学特色 资中县球溪高级中学办学理念与特色的探索

来源 :中国农村教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:muteng12
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办学理念是学校办学的灵魂和指针,它是对学校教育现象理性认识的高度概括和提炼,即对学校教育“是什么”或“怎么样”的价值判断和基本看法。按照通常的理解,办学理念就是办学思想。而办学特色是办学理念的外在体现,它是指学校领导按照自己独特的办学理念进行办学实践,所形成的与其它同类学校不同的特点。在特色办学中,办学理念既可以使校长的个体行为更具有目的性和前瞻性,又可以使学校的整体行为 The concept of running a school is the soul and pointer of running a school. It is a high-level summary and refinement of the rational understanding of school-based education, that is, the value judgment and basic view of school education, “what” or “how”. According to the usual understanding, the idea of ​​running a school is to run a school of thought. The characteristics of running a school are the external manifestation of the concept of running a school. It refers to the characteristics of school leaders performing their own school running in accordance with their own unique concepts of running a school and different from other similar schools. In the characteristics of running a school, the concept of running a school can not only make the headmaster’s individual behavior more purposeful and forward-looking, but also can make the school’s overall behavior
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