自力更生 开展机械化养路——辽宁省交通厅公路局自制回砂养路机

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多年来,我国的公路养护的作业过程,大都是手工操作,和畜力牵引的简易机具,每年占用大量的人力和畜力,劳动生产率低,养路成本高。随着今后公路建设事业的发展,公路养护任务日益增大,辽宁省交通厅公路局为了改变这落后状态,适应新形势的需要,本着敢于斗争,敢于胜利的革命精神,采取领导、技术人员、工人三结合的方法和该省现有条件,领导挂帅,深入工地,认真的了解吸取各地使用养路机具经验和公路养护工作中存在的问题,经历三个多月的时间多次试制,初步试制成功了以东方红-28型为主机的回砂养路机。经过500公里的 Over the years, most of the road maintenance work processes in our country are hand-operated and easy-to-use tools for drawing animal power. They occupy a large amount of manpower and animal power every year, resulting in low labor productivity and high maintenance costs. With the development of highway construction in the future, the task of highway maintenance is increasing day by day. In order to change this backward state and to adapt to the needs of the new situation, Liaoning Provincial Department of Communications of Highway Bureau of Transportation takes leadership and technical personnel in the revolutionary spirit of daring to struggle and daring to victory. , Workers combined with the three methods and the province’s existing conditions, leadership, in-depth work site, a serious understanding of the lessons learned from the use of road maintenance equipment and road maintenance work in the existing problems, after more than three months of trial, trial production The success of the East Hong-28-type host sand back to the road maintenance machine. After 500 km
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