Minimizing crosstalk for high-speed and high-density bus systems using the sample-decision method

来源 :High Technology Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhengzhidelang
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This paper presents a method based on a sample-decision(SD) circuit to suppress crosstalk and noise for a high-speed and high-density bus system.A method to count the number of times of SD for different length of transmission lines is presented and a bit error rates(BERs) formula is given by the SD circuit.It is shown that for long transmission line systems,multiple SD circuits can improve the BERs significantly.Circuits simulation for single SD method is also done,it is found that when the amplitude peak values of the superposed crosstalk and noise are less than half of the corresponding signal ones,they will be eliminated completely for the cases investigated. This paper presents a method based on a sample-decision (SD) circuit to suppress crosstalk and noise for a high-speed and high-density bus system. A method to count the number of times of SD for different length of transmission lines is presented it is shown that for long transmission line systems, multiple SD circuits can improve the BERs significantly. Circuits simulation for single SD method is also done, it is found that when the amplitude peak values ​​of the superposed crosstalk and noise are less than half of the corresponding signals ones, they will be eliminated completely for the cases investigated.
动物既是我们人类的好朋友,也是我们的好伙伴.不知道同学们注意了没有,某些动物身上还具有与声现象密切相关的物理知识呢!下面举例分析,希望在引起同学们对动物的关心和爱护的同时,提高观察思考能力、增长知识.  1.人们能够听到苍蝇、蚊子飞舞的声音,为什么听不到蝴蝶飞舞声音?  答 这是因为苍蝇、蚊子飞舞时,由于其翅膀振动比较快,每秒钟振动几百次,发出的是可听声,在人们的听觉范围之内,所以我们能够听到它们