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“三焦”的功能和实质,历来有着许多争论,现将有关三焦的认识综述于下,庶几有助于进一研究。一、三焦的定名:内经中所记各脏腑之名:如心、肝、脾、肺、肾、及胆、胃、大小肠、膀胱等,大都与西医解剖名诩可以对照,但“三焦”一词,却无一相应的名词。为甚么取名“三焦”呢?“三焦”的“三”,当然是个数字形容词,言其分部的多少;然其虽分三部,各部之功用可能有所差异,但归根结底还是统一的、连贯的整体,故有“三焦……又名玉海水道,上尉曰三管、中则曰霍乱,下则曰走哺,名虽三而归一”之说。这里所说的“三管”、“霍乱”、“走哺”大部份是就病理生理以言三焦的。对于“焦”字的认识,各家所说不一。有些人认为“焦”具有“热”的意思,如“焦于水谷,分别清 The function and essence of the “triple burner” have always had many controversies. Now we can summarize the understanding about the triple burner and help to study further. First, the name of the triple burner: the name of the internal organs recorded in the organs: such as heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, and gallbladder, stomach, intestine, bladder and so on, mostly with Western anatomy may be controlled, There is no corresponding term. Why is the name “triple burner”? The “triple burner” of “triple burner” is, of course, a digital adjective and its part is divided into several parts. However, although its division into three parts may have different functions, in the final analysis they are still unified. Coherent overall, it is “triple burner ... aka Yuhai waterway, the captain said three tubes, while the cholera is said, under the said Yue Nu, although the name of the three and return” said. Most of the “three tubes”, “cholera” and “nurturing” mentioned here are based on pathophysiology. For the “coke” word of understanding, each different. Some people think that “coke” has the meaning of “hot”, such as “focus on the water valley, respectively, clear.”
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猪肝富含维生素A和微量元素铁、锌、铜,而且鲜嫩可口,很受人们欢迎,但不少人却不知道猪肝食前要去毒。 Pig liver is rich in vitamin A and trace elements of iron, zinc