Wave Forces and Moments on a Gravity Pier Foundation

来源 :上海交通大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianglihongnj
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In order to understand the wave forces and moments on a gravity pier foundation which consists of an upper column and a bottom gravity base,a model experiment with a scale of 1:60 has been conducted in a laboratory flume.A corresponding numerical calculation by using the boundary element method has been carried out to provide a comparative analysis.It is shown by the comparisons that the numerical wave forces and moments agree well with the experimental results.It is proved that the wave forces and moments acting on the foundation are completely in their inertia dominative areas for wave loads.With the diffraction effects considered into the inertia item,appropriate inertia coefficients are assessed by the experimental results for the inertia item of the Morison equation.The formula of the inertia item can be used to estimate wave forces and moments on such gravity foundations.
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